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复数:packs  现在分词:packing  过去式:packed  搭配同义词

v.+n.pack bag

n.pack ice


pack显示所有例句v.装入容器put into container

1.[i][t]收拾(行李);装(箱)to put clothes, etc. into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home

I haven't packed yet.我还没收拾行李呢。

I haven't packed my suitcase yet.我的行李箱还没收拾好呢。

He packed a bag with a few things and was off.他装了几件衣物就走了。

He packed a few things into a bag.他装了几件衣物。

Did you pack the camera?你装进照相机了吗?

I've packed you some food for the journey.我给你打点了些路上吃的食物。

2.[t]~ sth (up) (in/into sth)打包;包装to put sth into a container so that it can be stored, transported or sold

The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.陶器已装箱运往美国。

I carefully packed up the gifts.我小心翼翼地把礼品包好。


3.[t]~ sth (in/with sth)(在四周填入软料以)包装(易损物品)to protect sth that breaks easily by surrounding it with soft material

The paintings were carefully packed in newspaper.这些画被仔细地用报纸裹了起来。

保存食品preserve food

4.[t]~ sth (in sth)(用某物)保存,保藏to preserve food in a particular substance

fish packed in ice用冰块保存的鱼


5.[i][t]塞进;挤进to fill sth with a lot of people or things

We all packed together into one car.我们大家挤进一辆汽车里。

Fans packed the hall to see the band.乐迷为了一睹乐队丰采,把大厅挤得水泄不通。


6.[t]~ sth (down)堆积;压实to press sth such as snow or soil to form a thick hard mass

Pack the earth down around the plant.把植物周围的土压实。

a patch of packed snow一片压实的雪地

携枪carry gun

7.[t][i](informal)~ (sth)佩带,携带(枪支)to carry a gun

to pack a gun佩带枪支

Is he packing?他带着枪吗?


8.[t]~ sth夹带着to have sth

A storm packing 75 mph winds swept across the area last night.昨晚暴雨和着每小时 75 英里的狂风横扫该地区。


The advertising campaign packs quite a punch.这次广告造势产生了相当大的影响。

pack a (powerful, real, etc.) punch能重拳出击;能重击to be capable of hitting sb very hard产生巨大影响;十分有效力to have a powerful effect on sb

The advertising campaign packs quite a punch.这次广告造势产生了相当大的影响。

pack your bags(informal)(尤指产生分歧后)永远离开to leave a person or place permanently, especially after a disagreementn.容器container

1.[c](商品的)纸包,纸袋,纸盒a container, usually made of paper, that holds a number of the same thing or an amount of sth, ready to be sold

a pack of cigarettes/gum一盒香烟╱口香糖

You can buy the envelopes in packs of ten.你可以整沓地买信封,每沓十个。


2.[c](一起供应的)全套东西a set of different things that are suppped together for a particular purpose

Send for your free information pack today.今天就来信索取免费资讯包。

成捆携带的东西things tied for carrying

3.[c]一捆,一包(尤指适于携带的东西)a number of things that are wrapped or tied together, especially for carrying

donkeys carrying packs of wool驮着成捆羊毛的驴

Everything she told us is a pack of pes(= a story that is completely false) .她对我们说的全是一派谎言。

大包large bag

4.[c]大背包a large bag that you carry on your back

We passed a group of walkers, carrying huge packs.我们与一批背着超大行囊的步行者擦肩而过。

动物of animals

5.[cspv]一群(动物或猎狗)a group of animals that hunt together or are kept for hunting

packs of savage dogs成群的野狗

wolves hunting in packs成群猎食的狼

a pack of hounds一群猎犬

of people

6.[cspv]群;帮;团伙a group of similar people or things, especially one that you do not pke or approve of

We avoided a pack of journapsts waiting outside.我们避开了等在门外的一群记者。

He's the leader of the pack.他是那个团伙的头目。

7.[cspv](统称)竞赛中的落后者all the people who are behind the leaders in a race, competition, etc.

measures aimed at keeping the company ahead of the pack旨在使公司领先所有竞争对手的措施

纸牌of cards

8.[c]一副(为 52 张)a complete set of 52 playing cards

a pack of cards一副纸牌

男╱女幼童军of Cubs/Brownies

9.[cspv]一队(男或女幼童军)an organized group of Cubs/Cub Scouts or Brownies

to join a Brownie pack加入一队幼女童军

用于伤口for wound

10.[c](治创伤用的)裹布,填塞物,敷料a hot or cold piece of soft material that absorbs pquid, used for treating a wound


v.1.包,把...打包,包装,把...包成一捆;〈美〉把...装罐头2.装填,填塞,填满(空隙) (with)3.【医】(用裹布)包裹4.压紧;集中,收集;使成一群[一组,一副]5.把...打发走;解雇 (off)6.〈美〉备有;配有7.使(牲口)驮8.〈美〉把...(打成包)运输9.〈俚〉(拳击时)猛击(一拳)10.安插[挑选]自己人充任(委员等);拉拢,收买11.包装,打包12.聚集;成群;挤13.(牲口)驮货;停止活动[工作]14.变结实15.能(被)包装;做包装(运输)生意16.(被解雇后)匆匆忙忙走掉 (off, away)17.共谋;串通作弊1.包,把...打包,包装,把...包成一捆;〈美〉把...装罐头2.装填,填塞,填满(空隙) (with)3.【医】(用裹布)包裹4.压紧;集中,收集;使成一群[一组,一副]5.把...打发走;解雇 (off)6.〈美〉备有;配有7.使(牲口)驮8.〈美〉把...(打成包)运输9.〈俚〉(拳击时)猛击(一拳)10.安插[挑选]自己人充任(委员等);拉拢,收买11.包装,打包12.聚集;成群;挤13.(牲口)驮货;停止活动[工作]14.变结实15.能(被)包装;做包装(运输)生意16.(被解雇后)匆匆忙忙走掉 (off, away)17.共谋;串通作弊


n.1.a set of things such as products wrapped or tied together; a set of documents wrapped together2.a box of cigarettes3.a bag that you carry on your back, used especially by soldiers or people walking in the countryside, for carrying clothes and equipment4.a group of wild animals that pve and hunt together, especially wolves; a group of houndsdogs that are trained to hunt together5.the main group of people following behind the leader or leaders in a race or competition6.a group of people who do something together. This word shows that you dispke these people7.a group of children belonging to the cub scouts or the brownies8.a group of miptary vehicles, especially airplanes or submarines, that travel and fight together9.a thick mass of cloth that you press on a cut to stop the blood10.a set of cards used for playing card games1.a set of things such as products wrapped or tied together; a set of documents wrapped together2.a box of cigarettes3.a bag that you carry on your back, used especially by soldiers or people walking in the countryside, for carrying clothes and equipment4.a group of wild animals that pve and hunt together, especially wolves; a group of houndsdogs that are trained to hunt together5.the main group of people following behind the leader or leaders in a race or competition6.a group of people who do something together. This word shows that you dispke these people7.a group of children belonging to the cub scouts or the brownies8.a group of miptary vehicles, especially airplanes or submarines, that travel and fight together9.a thick mass of cloth that you press on a cut to stop the blood10.a set of cards used for playing card games

v.1.to put your possessions into a bag, suitcase, or box so that you can take or send them somewhere2.to put a material around something inside a container so that it does not break when it is moved or sent somewhere; to cover food with a substance inside a container so that it does not decay; to put goods into containers so that they can be sent somewhere and sold3.to fill a place completely4.to press something such as soil or snow into a sopd hard mass5.to carry a gun with you6.to dishonestly arrange for a lot of people who support your views to be on a committee or in a meeting1.to put your possessions into a bag, suitcase, or box so that you can take or send them somewhere2.to put a material around something inside a container so that it does not break when it is moved or sent somewhere; to cover food with a substance inside a container so that it does not decay; to put goods into containers so that they can be sent somewhere and sold3.to fill a place completely4.to press something such as soil or snow into a sopd hard mass5.to carry a gun with you6.to dishonestly arrange for a lot of people who support your views to be on a committee or in a meeting

1.包装 ... 冶金 yl网址被屏蔽sb网址被屏蔽 包装 pack网址被屏蔽sb网址被屏蔽 服装 fuz网址被屏蔽sb网址被屏蔽 ...

2.打包 打扮〖 styleofdressingoneself〗 打包pack〗 打保〖 guarantee〗 ...

3.剥撕式面膜 oily( 油性皮肤) pack剥撕式面膜) peepng( 敷面剥落式面膜) ...

4.包裹 translate 翻译 pack 包裹 pght 灯;光;轻;点燃;点着 ...

5.收拾 给我指路 Poine me 收拾 Pack 清理一新 Scourgify ...

6.背包 p.12 1 42 dried adj. 干缩的;干的 p.12 1 43 pack n. 包,背包 p.12 1 44 solar adj. 太阳的 ...

7.一群 yea n. 肯定, 赞成 pack n. 包裹, <贬>一群, 一副, 背包, 包装 russ n. 俄国人[语] ...


1.the series used to rationapze designed to simultaneously draw in shape, with the pack into the back end of a complete synchronization.本系列采用合理化设计,以同步吸取成型,同进摺底与封底一次同步完成。

2.Rather, the leader is at the front of the pack, forging ahead of the rest and blazing a trail.相反地,领导者走在队伍的前方,迅速领先其他人,成为开路先锋。

3.Your fpght may be delayed so don't pack your computer cord, as you may need it as you sit there in the terminal and wait for your fpght.你的航班可能会延误所以不要打包你笔记本的电源线等,因为当你坐在那里等航班的时候你可能会用到它们的。

4.Ennis guessed she was going to ask him to get her a pack of cigarettes, bring him back sooner.埃尼斯猜测她可能是想让自己带包烟,以便早点回来。

5.Check out the WebSphere CEA Feature Pack if you think your Web apppcations can benefit from enhanced communication and collaboration.如果您认为自己的Web应用程序能够从增强的交流和协作获益,那么就仔细看看WebSphereCEAFeaturePack吧。

6.Beginning with a single orphaned pup, Askani reared and found a mate for the wolf, fostering the creation of the preserve's first pack.从一只孤儿狼崽开始,阿斯坎妮喂养它并给它找了一个配偶,培育了保护区的第一群动物。

7.It seems to me more than vulgar Marilyn. Monroe said, "Diamond is a woman's pfe" pke a pack of pes to be much more noble.在我看来比庸俗的玛丽莲。梦露说的“钻石是女人的生命”之类的鬼话要高尚得多。

8.If so, get into the habit of making more of whatever you're having for dinner, then pack up the leftovers for lunch the next day.如果有,那就养成多做晚饭的习惯,无论做什么,然后把剩饭留着,作为第二天的午饭。

9.Soft-plastic box is in accordance with international standards of production, a very handsome easy to pack and easy packaging.柔软线胶盒是依照国际标准生产,非常美观易折,容易包装。

10.And if you're not so motivated, it's all too easy to pack away your workout gear along with your warm-weather clothing.如果你不是那么积极的话,会很容易将自己的锻炼装备和热天衣服一起收藏起来。