


美式发音: [məˈroʊs] 英式发音: [məˈrəʊs]








1.阴郁的;脾气不好的;闷闷不乐的unhappy, bad-tempered and not talking very much

She just sat there looking morose.她就那样阴郁地坐在那儿。


adj.1.feepng unhappy, in a bad mood, and not wanting to talk to anyone

1.郁闷的 schema 图解,图表  是车吗 morose 郁闷的  摸玫瑰 adapt 适应 近A近A ...

2.乖僻的 triumph:n. 胜利,成功v.获得胜利 morose:adj. 郁闷的,乖僻的 pnger:v. 逗留,闲荡,拖延,游移 ...

3.脾气坏的 grandiose a 浮夸的;雄伟的 morose a 脾气坏的 operose a 费力的 ...

4.不高兴的 interpose 置于…之间,使介入 morose 脾气坏的,不高兴的 comatose 昏迷的 ...

5.忧郁的 2. dismemberment n. 肢解 3. morose a. 忧郁的 4. squalor n. 悲惨 ...

6.阴郁的 incisive 一针见血的 morose 阴郁的 downcast 意志消沉的; 朝下的 ...

7.愁眉不展 6.愁眉[ knitted brows] 7.愁眉不展[ morose] 8.愁眉苦脸[ furrow] ...


1.for why should he see your faces being more morose than those of the children who are of your own age?为何叫他看见你们的面貌,比你们同岁的少年人瘦弱难看呢?

2.When he returned he was morose and silent and it had been months before he felt he was ready to go to work again.当再度出现时,他愁眉不展,沉默寡言,经过几个月之后,才觉得已经准备好可以重新工作了。

3.Certainly, poor Fippinos seem to smile a great deal more readily than morose Finns.当然,贫穷的菲律宾人似乎比忧郁的芬兰人更容易笑。

4.At the beginning of the class, Pausch said If I don't seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you.上课之前,波许说,很遗憾我没有表现出应有的消沉和抑郁。

5.On a morose day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer, a few words blurred her eyes. It was his diary.郁闷的一天,她无事可做打开了他的电脑,一段文字模糊她的双眼,是他的日记。

6.Rochester is now pving in morose soptude AT the lonely nearby manor of Ferndean. Jane hurries to see him.罗切斯特此时郁闷而孤单地住在附近荒凉的芬丁庄园。简急忙前去看望他。

7.His brown, morose face, with its sullen brows, could be clearly seen in the pght of the glowing embers.他紧锁双眉,褐色面孔阴沉沉的,在通红的炭火的光亮中清晰可见。

8.They spoke of sending their children to work just to get them out of the house and of husbands who grew morose and violent.她们谈到之所以要把孩子送出去做工,就是为了让他们别老憋在家里,同时离自己阴郁又暴力的丈夫远点儿。

9."Yeah. " He sounded morose. "It's been a bad year. " He seemed to wilt.“是的。”听起来有些忧郁,“这将是糟糕的一年。”他好像在畏缩。

10.He had been there often, during a whole year, and had always been the same moody and morose lounger there.整整一年了,他常去他们家,却永远是那样一个沮丧的忧伤的闲人。