




1.天美时) 是创始于1854年的美国钟表品牌,150多年来天美时 (Timex) 将科技创意融入传统制表工艺,始终保持着追求革新的悠久传 …

2.天美时手表 ... hmanh 红漫红 Timex 美国手表 VILL 化妆品全球代购 ...

4.蒂梅克斯牌手表 timer 定时器 Timex 蒂梅克斯牌手表 timing axis oscillator 时间轴振荡器 ...

5.天美时表 ... TAG Heuer 豪雅表 Timex 天美时表 Tissot 天梭表 ...

6.天美时公司例如,天美时公司( Timex)和劳力士公司(Rolex)同是手表制造商,但它们的具体环境却因面对明显不同的细分市场而不同。具体 …


8.天美时钟表公司  天美时钟表公司(Timex)是一家总部设在美国康涅狄格州的手表制造企业。年销售达10亿美元。


1.Excuse me , let me make a self-introduction first. My name is John Smith, a technician from the Timex Company of the US.对不起,请允许我先自我介绍一下.我叫约翰·史密斯,是美国梯美思公司的技术员.。

2.He appeared on a few game shows and was featured in a print ad for Timex watches in the early '90s, but that didn't pay much.他出现在几个游戏节目中,九十年代初期还在Timex手表的平面广告中担当主角,可是没挣到多少钱。

3.George Bush wore a $50 Timex Indiglo that was reportedly taken from his wrist when he was in a crown in Albania in 2007.布什总统戴的是50美金的TimexIndiglo手表,有报道说那是2007年正式访问阿尔巴尼亚,从手上在下来表时被看到的。

4.Timex is just another variation of the time utipty that will present time in more readable format.Timex只是time实用程序的另一个变种,它将以更易读的格式显示时间。

5.Mr Lin, Mr Thompson. Mr Smith is the Manager of Far East Trade Department of Timex & Co. , Mr Hompson is the engineer and designer of Timex.史密斯先生是梯美思公司的远东贸易部经理,汤姆林先生是梯美思公司的工程师和设计师。

6.Pioneering TV journapst and Timex watch pitchman John Cameron Swayze died in Sarasota, Florida, at age 89.电视新闻先驱者兼时代之音播音员约翰。卡梅伦在美国佛罗里达州西部城市-萨拉索塔逝世!

7.This is a "Timex" Table of the ad title.这是“天美时”表的广告标题。

8.When I was seven my father gave me a Timex, my first watch.当我7岁时,我父亲送我一块Timex,那是我的第一块手表。

9.Here is the timex output of the same query下面是同一查询的timex输出