




1.优莎娜配方在给机体的许多重要功能,提供多方面的保护,因而优莎娜(USANA)公司营养 补充保健产品的基本营养素获最高的96.1分。


3.优沙纳 PAUL&JOE/ 搪瓷 USANA/ 美国优莎娜 SHU Uemura/ 植村秀 ...

5.葆婴 0 万力 0 《每日新闻报》 …


1.Please be assured that USANA does not use this material in any of our products.我们谨此保证USANA的所有产品均没有使用这种物质。

2.Yet, USANA remains committed to ensuring that we offer the richest opportunity for everyone, regardless of the market.然而,USANA依然恪守承诺,确保能不分市场,给大家提供最吸引人的商机。

3.According to USANA's marketing material, people can legally save thousands of dollars with home-based business deductions.据usana的营销材料,人们可以合法节省十万美元与家庭为基础的商业扣减。

4.USANA tablets are formulated to meet United States Pharmacopoeia standards, which require full disintegration within 30-45 min.USANA的锭剂按照美国药典的标准制作出来的,也就是说锭剂需要在30-45分钟内完全崩解。

5.With this announcement, USANA associates from the world over are welcome to begin prospecting their friends in Malaysia.随著这正式公布,全球的USANA直销商均可开始在马来西亚展开邀约工作。

6.It's possible with USANA Health Sciences. Let us help you achieve your dream.到世界各地旅游。借助于USANA提供的机会,我们可以帮助你实现梦想。

7.With these changes, we will embark on a future for USANA that I feel is brighter than ever!透过这些变更,我们将为USANA开启一个我认为是前所未有的光明前途!

8.Rerson11. USANA controls manufacturing for potency and purity.理由11、严格控制产品的质量和纯度。

9.I am honored to be appointed USANA's President of Asia Pacific.我很荣幸被任命为USANA的亚太区总裁。

10.In USANA, we found the best standards so that we join in USANA.我们找到了最高标准的优良示范,所以,我们选择了。