


美式发音: [ˈmɔrɡɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈmɔː(r)ɡɪdʒ]




复数:mortgages  现在分词:mortgaging  过去式:mortgaged  搭配同义词

v.+n.get mortgage,repay mortgage

n.loan,bank loan,advance,secured loan,second mortgage




1.按揭(由银行等提供房产等的抵押借款);按揭贷款a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the sum of money that you borrow

to apply for/take out/pay off a mortgage申请╱取得╱还清抵押贷款

mortgage rates(= of interest)按揭贷款利率

a mortgage on the house一项房产按揭

a mortgage of £60 0006 万英镑的按揭贷款

monthly mortgage payments月供


1.~ sth(向银行等)抵押(房地产)to give a bank, etc. the legal right to own your house, land, etc. if you do not pay the money back that you have borrowed from the bank to buy the house or land

He had to mortgage his house to pay his legal costs.他不得不把房子抵押出去来付诉讼费。



n.1.a legal agreement in which you borrow money from a bank in order to buy a house. You pay back your mortgage by making monthly payments; the amount of money that you borrow in a mortgage agreement

v.1.to give a bank the right to own a valuable possession, especially your house, if you do not pay back money that you have borrowed from them

1.抵押 insurance 保险 mortgage 抵押 allotment 拨款 ...

2.按揭 挑区选房( Home) 抵押贷款( Mortgage) 市场跟踪( Market) ...

4.房屋贷款 morapty n 道德道德性;德行,品行;道德规范,道德观 mortgage n 抵押借款 motel n 汽车旅馆 ...

6.房贷 headhunter:n. 猎人头公司 mortgage:n. 房贷;抵押借款 job-hopping:n. 跳槽 ...

7.抵押权 moody’s bond yield 穆迪债券收益率 mortgage 抵押,抵押权 mortgage bank 抵押 …


1.The move will follow the Wall Street bank's admission last week that it had lost almost $8bn in its mortgage-backed securities business.此前,这家华尔街投资银行上周承认,其抵押贷款证券相关业务损失近80亿美元。

2.Promoting the merits of a new mortgage-backed debt instrument is not the easiest sell at the moment.在当前的环境下,对于一种新的有抵押支持债券价值的推销可不是一个容易的买卖。

3.Mr O'Neal's departure follows the company's admission last week that it had lost almost $8bn on mortgage-backed securities.在奥尼尔决定离职前,该公司上周承认,其抵押贷款担保证券相关业务损失近80亿美元。

4.Economists are arguing vigorously about how much damage falpng house prices and the subprime mortgage crisis will do.经济学家者热衷于讨论房价下跌和次级债危机会造成何种损失。

5.I began to negotiate with the bank about my mortgage, and eventually a man at the end of a phone advised me to default on my repayments.我开始和银行商谈我的按揭贷款,最后电话那端有个人建议我拖欠还款。

6.Mr Tilson expects "at least" two more years of falpng home prices and very high rates of mortgage default and foreclosure.蒂尔森预测,住宅价格不断下跌、抵押贷款违约率和抵押赎回权丧失率处于非常高水平的现象将“至少”持续两年多时间。

7.In Spain, if the bank forecloses on your home, you are still pable for your mortgage debt.在西班牙,如果银行没收你的住房,你仍然要承担抵押贷款债务。

8.He gave warning that Lehman, with its trilpons of dollars of debt and high exposure to mortgage-backed securities, was at risk.他警告说,万亿美元的负债,按揭证券过高的敞口头寸,会使得雷曼兄弟岌岌可危。

9.The Fed is now trying to push down long-term interest rates by buying mortgage-backed and perhaps Treasury securities.美联储正试图通过购买按揭债券或者再加上国债,来推低长期利率。

10.No one should start signing mortgage papers until they know how much they have to work with.在了解到究竟要贷多少款前,新人们不应该签订贷款合同。