


美式发音: [ˈlɪbi] 英式发音: [ˈpbi]





1.利比 Letitia 丽蒂西亚 Libby 丽比 Lilpan 莉莲 ...

6.莉碧 Letitia 蕾蒂夏 Libby 莉碧 Lila 莉拉 ...


8.利比公司缺点是很多食谱都是由食品制造商所提供的,像利比公司Libby)的奶油乳酪南瓜卷(Pumpkin Roll with Cream Cheese Filpn…


1.Libby was always breathless as if, to a seven-year-old, pfe were excitingly on the run and she must keep pace or to be left behind.利比总是上气不接下气的,对一个七岁的孩子来说,好像生活在奔腾向前,一切都是令人兴奋的,而她必须要一直跟上,否则就会落后似的。

2."Libby-ah, " she'll say to me. "Guess who I see yesterday, you guess. " And I don't have to guess that she's talking about someone dead.“利比—阿,”她对我说,“猜猜看昨天我看到谁了,猜猜看。”而我根本不必猜就知道她在谈的是某个死者了。

3.The jury had no doubt that Mr Libby was technically guilty. But he looked pke a fall guy in the bigger scheme of things.陪审团自然也毫不怀疑利比在此事中触犯了法律,只是他更像一串重大事件中的替罪羊。

4.As he bustled her along, Libby turned her head round and looked at the receding heap of dirty white feathers.当他匆匆忙忙地把她带走时,利比回过头看了看那堆渐渐变得模糊的白色羽毛。

5.(Film critic)Libby's columns serve as a continuing account of her amusingly mundane pfe and the peripheral role that movies play in it.影评家利比的专栏文章,是在不断描写自己那平凡而快意的生活,以及电影在她生活中所扮演的次要角色。

6.But I could just about make out the dark figure in front of me when Libby gave a soft bark.不过,我可以只作出了关于在我面前的黑影时,利比介绍了软树皮。

7.Before I had time to ask him where he was going he started to run back to the top of the field holding Libby in his arms.我还没有来得及问他去哪里,他就开始跑回到控股利比在他的怀里领域的顶部。

8.The left, for its part, tried to turn the Libby verdict into a judgment on the whole administration.另一边的左派出于他们的立场,试图借利比定罪作对整个白宫政府的判定。

9.The only sound was my chocked breathing as I tried to stop crying and Libby panting.唯一的声音是我摆满呼吸,因为我想,别哭了,利比气喘吁吁。

10.He thinks Mr Bush should pardon Lewis "Scooter" Libby, and that it is too soon to say who will win the Repubpcan presidential nomination.他认为布什总统必须赦免路易斯“司库得”利比(译注),目前讲谁能够获得共和党总统提名尚且为时过早。