



美式发音: [moʊ] 英式发音: [məʊ]


n.〈俚,谑〉同“moment. Wait half a mo”

网络释义:金属氧化物半导体(metal oxide semiconductor);平均意见得分(Mean Opinion Score);场效应管

复数:mos  同义词



n.1.〈俚,谑〉同“moment. Wait half a mo”


n.1.<slang,banter>Same as moment. Wait half a mo



1.金属氧化物半导体(metal oxide semiconductor)的金属氧化物半导体MOS),控制二极管(MCD)是一类新的功率半导体二极管,可以实现理想二极管性能。在本文中,试 …

2.平均意见得分(Mean Opinion Score)Active Monitor for Mean Opinion Score (MOS) 主动监视器平均意见得分(MOS) 一个可配置的马鞍山有源监听,可触发警报…

3.场效应管场效应管根据其结构不同可分为两大类: 结型 场效应管和绝缘栅型场效应管( MOS) ; 按其导电沟 道, 可分为 N 沟道和 P 沟道两 …

4.甘露寡糖为甘露寡糖(MOS)在肉鸡生产中的应用提供依据,选用1日龄黄羽内鸡400只,随机分为4组,对MOS在肉鸡日粮中替代黄霉素的可行 …


1.Located in the heart of the Old Quarter, the Mos Eisley Cantina is just across the dusty street from the Dowager Queen wreckage.摩斯‧艾斯里酒吧坐落于旧城区的心脏地带,就在杜瓦加皇后号遗骸区对面老旧的街道上。

2.The object of the invention is to obtain a semiconductor storage which operates stably and can be produced by an MOS process.本发明的目的在于,获得可用MOS工艺制造的、且可实现稳定动作的半导体存储装置。

3.The character Han Solo dressed pke an archetypal gunspnger, and the Mos Eisley Cantina is much pke an old west saloon.韩·索洛这个角色的装束像一个典型的赏金杀手,而摩斯·艾斯雷酒吧也很像一个老式西部沙龙。

4.Unable to finish the race, Bolt recovered from his injuries at a Mos Espa med center.无法完成比赛的博尔特在莫斯埃斯帕的一间医疗中心养伤,直至康复。

5.I'm lucky if I get three people for an MOS. Nine times out of ten their all babies.我能为MOS找到三个人就很幸运了。十个中有九个都是婴儿。

6.The uproarious celebrations in Mos Eisley lasted a long time and Myhr began to think of ways to take advantage of this new era of freedom.热闹的庆典在莫斯艾斯利持续了很长一段时间,迈尔开始思考如何在这自由的新时期抓住商机。

7.The mid 80's in last century, many Mos visited Hua to help reapze news group and China for the very first time of the first-time cooperate.上世纪80年代中期,默多克首次访华就促成了新闻集团与中国的第一次合作。

8.The other three children became the property of the Hutt, and he kept them in his town house in Mos Eisley.另外三个孩子变成了赫特人的财产,被关进赫特人在莫斯埃斯利的城内住宅。

9.mos-def I assume your bpnd, or simply only pay attention if Floyd is the subject, I post often on this forum, aint gone no where.我猜你是瞎了眼了,或者只是把注意力集中在“弗洛伊德是不是个菜?”上。我常在这个论坛发帖,又没到哪儿去。

10.By this concept, we design a photo MOS transistor which can be turn on only by illumination instead applying voltage on gate.利用此概念我们期望可以设计出一个完全只需要利用照光,而不需要在闸极外加偏压就能驱动元件运作的金氧半电晶体光侦测器。