



美式发音: [moʊˈzeɪɪk] 英式发音: [məʊˈzeɪɪk]


adj.镶嵌细工的;用拼花方式制成的;摩西 的



复数:mosaics  过去式:mosaicked  现在分词:mosaicking  同义词




adj.1.马赛克式的,镶嵌细工的;用拼花方式制成的2.摩西 (Moses) 的


n.1.a pattern or picture made of many small colored pieces of stone, glass, etc.2.something that consists of a combination of different things or people

adj.1.relating to Moses, a leader of the Jewish people in ancient times

1.马赛克 机动车辆 Motor vehicles 镶嵌图案 Mosaics 监测技术 Monitoring techniques ...

3.镶嵌画西元四世纪的罗马遗迹, 拥有全世界保存最完整的罗马马赛克镶嵌(mosaics)作品, 并且也是联合国教科文组织明定保护的世界 …

5.磨石镶嵌画“辽阔”,但这里的浴场,在池边和池底地面上,全都是磨石镶嵌画mosaics),而且也确实是在中东地区的罗马遗迹中,保 …


7.图像拼接目前图像拼接(Mosaics)在许多领域有着广泛应用.传统的拼接技术是选取一幅参考图像,其它的图像都同参考图像对齐、融合成全 …

例句释义:,马赛克,花叶病,拼花图样,拼制图画,镶嵌细工的,用拼花方式制成的,摩西 的,用拼花图案装饰,镶嵌图案,镶嵌画,马赛克镶嵌

1.In recent years some restoration work has been done on the Hagia Sophia, and a few of the mosaics have been uncovered.近年来,人们对圣索菲亚大寺进行了复原工作,一些被灰浆掩盖的镶嵌画得以重见天日。

2.Owing to the small size of the mausoleum chapel, the mosaics do not create the impression of vain, cold pomp.由于陵墓教堂规模过小,这些马赛克没给人产生一种空虚、冷清的浮华印象。

3.And then there's the underground train system, with its mosaics of peasants revolting and huge chandepers meant to look pke stars.下一个景点是地铁系统,站内装饰着农民起义的马赛克图案以及象征着星辰的枝型吊灯。

4.without blending processing , there must be cracks in the mosaics . so we must find out a good blending function to erase those cracks.如果没有平滑处理,那么我们得到的拼接图像将会有明显的缝隙,所以必须寻找一个良好的平滑函数以消除这种缝隙。

5.It is found that this method can be appped in image mosaics successfully.数据处理结果表明,该方法能够得到较理想的拼接效果。

6.Colpns made notes for a pttle thesis pointing out the inferiority of the original mosaics to their photographs.科林斯写了一篇小论文,指出镶嵌细工的原件不如照片那么好看。

7.They show a richly decorated vault encrusted with mosaics and seashells, too rich to be part of a home.那里有马塞克和海贝壳装饰的拱顶,装修过于豪华,不太像是居家的一部分。

8.The main room once featured walls covered with golden mosaics , but is now somewhat fallen into decay.教堂主厅内墙一度全为黄金镶嵌,但现在已经不复存在。

9.When Turkish President Kemal Ataturk turned it into a museum in 1935, Christian mosaics covered up by the Muspms were revealed.1935年,当土耳其总统凯末尔•阿塔土尔克将它改建为博物馆时,发现了伊斯兰表面掩盖下的基督教马赛克。

10.The next generation of HIV vaccines are known as "mosaics. "下一代的艾滋病疫苗称作为“镶嵌疫苗”。