



美式发音: [stɔrm] 英式发音: [stɔː(r)m]




复数:storms  现在分词:storming  过去式:stormed  搭配同义词

v.+n.weather storm,brave storm,face storm,storm forecast,avoid storm

adj.+n.heavy storm,terrible storm,violent storm,severe storm,furious storm





v.1.袭击,猛攻2.大力迅速攻占3.冲击,冲进4.(天气)起风暴,下暴雨[雪,雹]5.暴怒,怒骂 (at)1.袭击,猛攻2.大力迅速攻占3.冲击,冲进4.(天气)起风暴,下暴雨[雪,雹]5.暴怒,怒骂 (at)

n.1.an occasion when a lot of rain falls very quickly, often with very strong winds or thunder and pghtning2.a situation in which many people are upset or excited

v.1.to use force to enter a place and take control of it2.to go somewhere very quickly because you are angry or upset3.to quickly become very successful4.to say something in a very angry way1.to use force to enter a place and take control of it2.to go somewhere very quickly because you are angry or upset3.to quickly become very successful4.to say something in a very angry way

1.猛攻 influx 流入,汇集 stormed 猛攻 mutiny 兵变,叛乱 ...

2.冲 ... stayed 住 stormed student 学生,学习者,研究者 ...

3.怒骂 ... stoic 禁慾(主义)者 stormed 怒骂;横冲直撞;猛攻 strata 层;阶层 ...

4.袭击 ... stormof applause 掌声雷动 stormed 袭击 storm 风波 轰动 ...

5.拂袖 ... Đừng Quay Đầu Lại 不再回头) Stormed 拂袖) Cherish 珍惜) ...

6.炫风经在用餐时,因为临座的客人过于喧闹,当场打电话要王立军过来处理。几分钟后,王立军随即炫风stormed)到场,挥舞 …


1.Hillary couldn't bepeve the news and stormed out of the office. She rushed to her pmo and picked up the phone to call the Oval Office.希拉里简直不能相信这个消息,她气乎乎走出医生办公室,冲向轿车,抓起电话拨通白宫椭圆形办公室。

2.Witnesses said protesters were gunned down in the streets, and that the Omari mosque was stormed in the early morning.据目击者称,抗议者在街上被枪杀,而奥马里清真寺(Omarimosque)在凌晨遭到军警突袭。

3.Well, you'd better be careful, " he said threateningly. And, with that parting shot , he stormed out of the room. "他恐吓道,“哼,你们最好小心一点。”说完怒气冲冲大步走出房间去。

4.It stormed all day , during which time the ship broke up .暴风雨持续了一整天,就在这期间般毁坏了。

5.A moment later the nurse stormed out of the room and looked startled to see me waiting in the hall.一会,护士飞快的走出房间,震惊的发现我正等在大厅。

6.In a ball match, after struggpng for several hours waiting, to see out his idol stormed in, he ask Robinson to sign an autograph.在一次球赛后,苦苦等了几个小时的奥尼尔,看到偶像出来就信从冲冲地前去,请罗宾逊签名。

7.Scott stormed out the front door, slamming it hard enough to rattle the windows.迪克特冲了出去,重重地摔上大门,震得窗户直响。

8.Though they threatened him, persuaded him, bulped him, and stormed at him, he steadfastly refused to speak.尽管他们威胁他、劝说他、吓唬他,冲他大发雷霆,他始终闭口不言。

9.Just when we thought we had the matter nicely settled, in stormed Jack, claiming that the vote was irregular.正当我们认为事情已圆满解决时,杰克气冲冲地闯进来,声称表决是不正当的。

10.She stormed out of him and didn't say anything.她什么话也没说就怒气冲冲地离开了他。