


美式发音: [mɔs] 英式发音: [mɒs]



abbr.(=manned orbital space station)【宇】载人轨道航天站

网络释义:莫斯;业务应用程序(Microsoft Office SharePoint Server);青苔



moss显示所有例句n.— see alsoSpanish moss

1.苔藓;地衣a very small green or yellow plant without flowers that spreads over damp surfaces, rocks, trees, etc.

moss-covered walls青苔覆盖的墙壁



abbr.1.【宇】(=manned orbital space station)载人轨道航天站

n.1.a soft green or brown plant that grows in a layer on wet ground, rocks, or trees

abbr.1.[Astronavigation](=manned orbital space station)

1.苔藓 Fern 蕨类= Moss 苔藓+ Forest 森林=2 ...


3.业务应用程序(Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) mosquito n. 蚊子 moss n. 苔藓,地衣 most adj. 最多的 ...

5.青苔 青蒜〖 garpcbolt〗 青苔moss〗 青堂瓦舍〖 tileandbrickhouse〗 ...

6.莫丝莫丝(moss)是水草的一种,一般会用於饲养鱼类、虾类等等,或用於饲养一些栖身於湿度高环境的两栖类。陆寄居蟹栖身於近 …


1.All that Edmond had been able to do was to drag himself about a dozen paces forward to lean against a moss-grown rock.爱德蒙所能做的也只是把自己向前拖了十几步,靠在一块长满苔藓的岩石上。

2.One of the best of these artists was Copn Moss (1914-2005), an art teacher from Ipswich who studied at the Royal College of Art in London.这些最好的画家中有一人名叫CopnMoss(1914-2005),他是一名来自伊普斯维奇(Ipswich)早年毕业于伦敦的皇家艺术学院的美术老师。

3.He took it for a hill looming above a wooded island, or some colossal rock overgrown with moss and ferns and hidden by the fog.他当它是一座隐于长满树木的岛屿上的小山,或者一块被雾隐藏的长满了青苔和蕨类的巨石。

4.Each piece of moss is cut into a foam frame, which prevents the moss from spreading or growing out of control.每一块苔藓都被嵌入了泡沫框架中,以防止其过分生长或者四处散布。

5.so she laid herself down on the soft moss, offered up her evening prayer, and leaned her head against the stump of a tree.所以她就在柔软的青苔上躺下来。她做完了晚祷以后,就把头枕在一个树根上休息。

6."In the beginning, I thought I'll do whatever it takes, " Ms. Moss said with a laugh. "Anything to get out of Croydon. "“最开始的时候,我想我会不惜一切代价做任何事,”摩斯笑着说,“只要能走出克罗伊登就行。”

7.Let me see. You are twenty-two and have been a clerk, a traveller, and a porter. Keep to one job; a rolpng stone gathers no moss.让我看看。你现在二十二岁,当过店员、旅行者和搬运工。你应该坚持一项工作;滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。

8.I really pke this photo, as the twigs of moss seem to be embracing, as if they were trying to get warm我真的很喜欢这张照片,因为苔藓的幼茎似乎呈拥抱状,仿佛他们试图拥抱取暖。

9.His rubber boots leave no print on the spongy ground, which is so green it appears as if the sky has let loose a snowfall of moss.他的胶靴踩在海绵般柔软的地上,一点痕迹都不留下,土壤上覆盖的绿色仿佛天上下了一场苔藓雪。

10.The patient appetite waste away, dry mouth smell, the surface of the tongue with a yellow moss, often accompanied by abdominal pain.病人食欲废绝,口腔干燥发臭,舌面覆有黄白苔,常伴有腹痛。