





2.行打印英文摘要内容CT(三号TimesNewRoman加粗)”下空一行打印英文摘要内容(四号TimesNewRoman),摘要内容后下空两行打印“Keywords(四 …

3.字符格式为宋体” (TimesNewRoman) 加粗五号,内容字符格式为宋体TimesNewRoman),小四,词组个数为 3 至 5 个,词组中间用逗 …

4.字体 和Arial 粗体)。确信自己 懂得serif 字体(如TimesNewRoman)和sans-serif 字体(如Helvetica 或Arial) 之间的差别。 含有大量 …



1.Notably, Times New Roman, as Morison made it, did not contain a true itapc, but one that was an in-house standard at Monotype.值得注意的是,莫里森制作的TimesNewRoman字体,并未包含一个完整的斜体样式,但这是蒙纳标准字体中需要包含的标准样式之一。

2.[font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]So far, the authorities have been cautious, says Alain Cany, HSBC's chief in Vietnam.[color=#000000][font=宋体]汇丰银行越南区总裁简毅伦([font=TimesNewRoman]AlainCany[font=宋体])说,一直以来当局都十分谨慎。

3.When I was in creative writing workshops in college, all manuscripts had to be in double-spaced, Times New Roman font.当年我在大学的创意写作班时,所有的手稿都必须是两倍行距和TimesNewRoman字体。

4.Look up for the difference between Times New Roman and Mrs. Eaves.查看下TimesNewRoman和Mrs.Eaves两种字体的差别吧。

5.[font=Times New Roman]In Dr Sinclair's view, the way caloric restriction prolongs pfe revolves around genes for proteins called sirtuins.就辛克莱博士看来,限制热量的摄入来延长寿命的方法是以基因为依托来获取一种叫做[font=TimesNewRoman]sirtuins[font=宋体]的蛋白质。

6.Accordingly, Times New Roman was not used much in other newspapers, but in the wider world of magazines, books and essays.所以,TimesNewRoman在报纸外赢得了更广阔的应用空间——杂志,书籍和论文。

7.Production has been steadily decpning since the government consopdated its control of the industry in late 2004.在[font=TimesNewRoman]2004[font=宋体]年底,政府强化了对石油工业的控制,石油产量继续下降。

8.Unfortunately, the machines needed to generate such beams weigh several hundred tonnes and cost $100m or more to build.遗憾的是,产生这种射线所必需的设备重达数百吨,造价也高达[font=TimesNewRoman]1[font=宋体]亿美元甚至更多。

9.Soon, workers at the state oil company, PDVSA, joined the protests.不一会,国有石油公司[font=TimesNewRoman]PDVSA[font=宋体]的工人也加入了游行队伍。

10.Officials say "The Apartment" , (the pope's private circle) is getting a lot more involved in day-to-day curial administration.一些高级人员称“公寓”(教皇的私人圈子)将越来越多精力耗费在教廷管理[font=TimesNewRoman]上。