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abbr.(=manned orbital space station)【宇】载人轨道航天站






abbr.1.【宇】(=manned orbital space station)载人轨道航天站

n.1.a soft green or brown plant that grows in a layer on wet ground, rocks, or trees

abbr.1.[Astronavigation](=manned orbital space station)

1.苔藓 prairie 大草原 mosses 苔藓 shrub / bush 灌木 ...

2.藓类 moss tundra 藓类冻原 mosses 藓类 moth 蛾 ...

3.青苔 苔藓植物(bryophytes)包括: 苔类(mosses) 藓类(liverworts) 角苔类(hornworts) 被忽略的一群? 个体矮小 极少的颜色变化 ...

5.苔藓植物 角苔门 Flower-horn plants 苔藓植物 Mosses 地钱门 Marchantia plants ...

6.藓类植物国约占10%。按照系统进化的最新研究,苔藓植物被分成了藓类植物mosses)、苔类植物(li verwor t s)、角苔类植物(h…


1.Everything, pretty much, tastes like the mosses of tundra, dug up in mid-winter.这些东西,有相当多一部分,尝起来就像深冬季节挖出的冻土带的地衣。

2.The trees come up to my window; and the touch of the nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree.绿树长到了我的窗前;而无名的感触,攀缘在我的心上,正象那绿色的苔藓,攀缘在老树的周身。

3.The black mental kettle were just as a hard rock covered with thick mosses.黑色的铁壶更和苔衣深厚的岩骨一样了。

4.The morphology of asexual diaspore has been commonly used for delimiting sterile mosses.无性繁殖体的形态常被用来辅助鉴定一些不育的藓类植物。

5.The mosses Funaria hygrometrica and Physcomitrella patens have also been used as models, as has the marine alga Fucusserratus.藓类植物葫芦藓和展叶剑叶藓及墨角藻也用作模式植物。

6.With majestic trees festooned with orchids, bromeliads, ferns, vines, and mosses, it's home to a multitude of rare animal and plant species.雨林中宏伟的参天巨木被兰花、凤梨、蕨类、蔓藤以及苔藓类打扮得五颜六色,这片雨林同时也是为数众多的稀有动植物的家园。

7.She noticed the lichen, the various mosses, and the white fungi sprouting through the rotting leaves of the forest floor.她看到了青苔,看到了各色的苔藓,还有林地腐叶中窜出的白色菌落。

8."plants" denotes the seed plants, ferns, mosses, liverworts and useful fungi, and the portion thereof which may be propagated or cultivated.一植物:指种子植物、蕨类、苔藓类、有用真菌类等之本体与其可供繁殖或栽培之部分。

9.The humidity of the bathroom and the drops flowing from the body, water the mosses.浴室的湿润空气和沐浴时洒出的水滴滋润着它们。

10.The touch of nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree .无名岁月的感触缠绕在我的心头,像寂寂的青苔依附着老树。