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na.Benedict 斯宾诺沙



na.1.Spinoza , Benedict 斯宾诺沙

1.斯宾诺莎 ... "1252927","蒯因",2," Quine" "1252928","史宾诺沙",2," Spinoza" "1252929","霍布斯",2," Hobbes" ...

4.斯宾诺萨在斯宾诺萨Spinoza)的理论系统中,实体就是「神」(上帝),祂是唯一的自因(causa sui)实体[33]。这些理论,既是本 …

5.斯宾挪莎由住荷兰的犹太裔泛神论哲学家斯宾挪莎(Spinoza)所主张。罪意识的产生乃由於人知识不够好,无法从神永恒无限本质的观念 …

6.斯宾諾莎c. 斯宾諾莎Spinoza):只存在着上帝的一个实体,而心靈和肉体是同一


1.Freud borrowed the heart of Spinoza's hypothesis when he wrote that creative work was a sublimation of the sexualized energy of the libido.弗洛伊德借鉴了斯宾诺莎假说的核心,他写道,创造性工作是力比多力量的升华。

2.But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision, probably as the first one.但是有限的因果完全没有因果牵涉,卓越的斯宾诺莎对此已有认识仗恃他的分析,何况他很可能是第一人。

3.The position Schelling arrives at after such tangled abstractions is not that far removed from that of Spinoza.谢林在作出上述纠缠难懂的抽象之后到达的位置与从斯宾诺莎抹去的不远。

4.Einstein believed in Spinoza's God, which he equated with nature itself, but he always held this "God" to be entirely knowable .爱因斯坦信仰斯宾诺莎的上帝,他把它等同于自然自身,但他始终坚持这个“上帝”是完全可知的。

5.The belief that God and the universe are identical; among modern philosophers, Spinoza is considered to be a pantheist.相信上帝和宇宙是一致的,其中现代哲学家,斯宾诺莎认为是一个

6.When a man is a prey to his emotion, he is not his master---Benjamin de Spinoza---Dutch philosopher.当一个人受制于自己的感情的时候,他不能做自己的主人---本杰明.德.斯宾诺莎,荷兰哲学家。

7.What undid Marxism is not its secularism, but on the contrary, its pantheism that it inherited from Spinoza through Hegel.让马克思主义不复存在的不是它的世俗主义,恰恰相反,是它从斯宾诺莎到黑格尔那里继承下来的泛神论。

8.From Part two to Part four, the paper will compares the Locke's theory of freedom to Spinoza's, which is the main part of this paper.第二部分至第四部分,将比较洛克与斯宾诺莎的自由观,这是本文的重点。

9.Finally, Kant exhibits this puzzlement, and efforts of Spinoza and Leibniz are realized in Kant's philosophy in a perfect way.最终,康德明确地表达了这一难题,而斯宾诺莎和莱布尼茨的努力方向也以一种完美的形式完成于康德哲学中。

10.They move on to Spinoza as it becomes clear that Hilde's father has some awesome power over them.他们进入斯宾诺莎,因为它可以清楚地看到希尔德的父亲有一些可怕的权力,它们。