


美式发音: [moʊˈsul] 英式发音: [məuˈsu:l]





1.摩苏尔美国公司签订了金额惊人的合约,情况似乎没有改善。”莫苏尔(Mosul)一位出租车司机问道:“什么重建?我们今天得喝没有经 …


1.He said Al-Qaeda is still active in the northern city of Mosul and warned that there would be tough fighting in the days and months ahead.布什总统还表示基地组织还在摩苏尔北部城市活动,他警告说,同基地组织的战争将会一直持续下去。

2.A car bomb in Mosul, Iraq, almost killed him. A bomb went off just yards away landing him in the hospital and cost him his sight.摩苏尔[伊拉克北部城市]的一次汽车爆炸差点使他丧命,一颗炸弹在距他只有几码远的地方爆炸了,致使他严重受伤,并夺去了他的视力。

3.UNHCR Spokesman Ron Redmond says displaced famipes began returning to Mosul a pttle more than a week ago.联合国难民事务高级专员罗瑞德蒙德声称和一周之前相比越来越多的流亡家庭开始返回摩苏尔。

4.Separately, at least seven popcemen were wounded in a suicide car bomb blast near a popce station in the northern city of Mosul.另外,北部城市摩苏尔一个警察局附近的一起自杀汽车炸弹爆炸炸伤至少七名警察。

5.In Mosul a suicide bomber drove into a miptary base and killed at least 13 popce officers, according to the Associated Press.根据美联社的报道,在摩苏尔,一名自杀式炸弹者冲进一个军事基地,杀死至少13名警官。

6.U. S. and Iraqi officials said the Mosul and Baghdad bombings bore the hallmarks of Sunni Islamist al Qaeda.美国和伊拉克官员表示,摩苏尔和巴格达的爆炸事件均呈现出基地组织的惯用手法。

7.While extremist groups continue to enjoy a safe haven in and around the northern city of Mosul, they will grow bolder.当极端组织在城市摩苏尔中心附近享受安全,他们的领地会扩大。

8.Lutfalla is the second AP Television News cameraman to be killed in Mosul in the last two years.卢特法拉是两年来在摩苏尔被枪手打死的第二名美联社电视摄像记者。

9.At least a dozen people were killed in a car bomb attack in a popce station in Mosul, Iraq.伊拉克摩苏尔警局遭汽车炸弹袭击,至少12人丧生。

10.Duraid Kashmula, the governor of Nineveh province, of which Mosul is the capital, also said the detained man had confessed to being Masri.摩苏尔所属的Nineveh的省长DuraidKashmula也表示,这名北部男子承认自己就是马斯里。