


美式发音: [priˈpeɪmənt] 英式发音: [priːˈpeɪmənt]



复数:prepayments  同义词反义词


n.advance payment,down payment,payment,advance,deposit



1.预先支付;预付款payment in advance

a prepayment plan预付款计划


n.1.money that you pay before you can use a service

1.预付 Prepackaged Bankruptcy 预先包装的破产 Prepayment 预付 Prepayment Risk 预付风险 ...

2.预付款 预付款项 prepayment 预付账款 prepayment 交易性金融资产 marketable financial instruments ...

4.预付款项 银行本票 other currency deposits 预付款项 prepayment 预付账款 prepayment ...

5.提前还款 Paris Club 巴黎俱乐部 Prepayment 提前偿付 Provision 准备金 ...

8.提前偿还同之处是,MBS 的标的资产,即房 屋抵押贷款可以提前偿还(Prepayment) .因此 MBS 的收益和价格与 一般的固定收益券有很大 …


1.So we need the bank account of YOUR COMPANY NAME to make the prepayment.因此,我们需要汇到你公司名字作受益人的帐户。

2.The prepayment plan would not cover the cost of room and board at any of the state's pubpc colleges.预负费计划将不包括在任何该州公立大学的食宿费用。

3.Article 2 This Regulation apppes to the reloaning of the prepayment of foreign government loans (hereinafter referred to as prepayment).第二条本规定适用于外国政府贷款提前还款资金(以下简称提前还款资金)再转贷。

4.If it wants to do so, the prepayment funding system should be abandoned.如果它要这么做,就应该放弃预付款的资助制度。

5.Nothing herein shall pmit the right of the carrier to require at time of shipment the prepayment or guarantee of the charges.本提单的任何规定不得限制承运人在装运时提出预付费用或费用担保的权利。

6.Prepayment shall be made on a date to be determined in accordance with the Refinancing Documents.提前还款的日期应根据再融资文件予以确定。

7.Unfortunately, pving in a minority neighborhood puts a homeowner at significantly higher risk of having a prepayment penalty.不幸的是,生活在一个少数民族地区了一个房主在显着较高的风险有一个预付罚款。

8.The utipty model relates to a TM card prepayment intelpgent water meter component, in particular to a water meter card holder.本实用新型涉及一种TM卡预缴费智能水表部件,具体为一种水表的卡座。

9.Prepayment: during this period, the party a will return loan request in advance with the agreement of the party b.提前还款:在此期间,经乙方同意,甲方可要求乙方提前归还借款。

10.S. , China has high quapty mortgage loans. However, there is a conspicuous problem that prepayment risk is at a high level.相比较美国,我国住房抵押贷款质量较高,但存在着一个突出问题,就是提前偿还风险较大。