




1.松开鼠标 3、MC (电影剪辑) mouseUp 松开鼠标 _x_y_alpha_width_name..... 等等属 …

2.鼠标弹起 MouseMove 鼠标移动 MouseUp 鼠标松开 Paint 控件重画 ...

4.鼠标抬起 mousedown 鼠标点下 mouseup 鼠标抬起 mouseover 鼠标经过 ...

5.鼠标弹起事件 ... MouseMove( 鼠标移动) MouseUp( 释放鼠标) Shift 转换键,意义如下: ...

8.鼠标按键释放(MouseDown)”事件 1876.2.2 “鼠标按键释放MouseUp)”事件 1876.2.3 “移动鼠标(MouseMove)”事件 1896.3 本章小 …


1.The mousedown(fn) and mouseup(fn) methods are called when a mouse is pressed or released on an element.比如,当鼠标在某个元素上按下或释放时,就会调用mousedown(fn)和mouseup(fn)方法。

2.Invoked whenever an unhandled Mouse. : : . MouseUp event reaches an element derived from this class in its route.每当未处理的Mouse.::.MouseUp附加路由事件在其路由中发生在一个从此类派生的元素上时,就会调用此方法。

3.If they release it over another page element with the mouseup(fn) defined, what behavior should take place?如果用户用所定义的mouseup(fn)在另一个页面元素之上释放鼠标,那么应该发生什么行为呢?

4.To safely detect a mouse button you have to use the mouse down or mouse up events.想要无误地检测鼠标按键,你需要使用mousedown和mouseup事件。

5.When that cpck comes, you then want to install the mousemove and mouseup handlers.当单击发生时,就需要安装mousemove和mouseup处理程序。

6.Executes some code when a Mouseup event occurs到鼠标释放就执行代码