


美式发音: [spek] 英式发音: [spek]




复数:specks  同义词





1.小点;污点a very small spot; a small piece of dirt, etc.

The ship was now just a speck in the distance.此时,那艘船不过是远处的一个小点。

specks of dust尘埃



n.1.a very small spot or mark

1.斑点 其它 Others 斑点 speck 半 透 明 translucence,translucency,translucent ...

2.肥肉 瘦肉 lean meat 肥肉 speck 黄花菜 day ply ...

3.瑕疵 specific heat capacity 比热容 speck 瑕疵 speckle 斑点 ...

4.污点 specimen n. 标本;样本 speck n. 斑点;污点;微粒 v.使有斑点;使弄 spectacle n. (复)眼镜;场面,景象;奇观, ...

5.微粒 specimen n. 标本;样本 speck n. 斑点;污点;微粒 v.使有斑点;使弄 spectacle n. (复)眼镜;场面,景象;奇观, ...

6.斯派克 4.Moshi( 摩仕) 5.Speck嗜血判官) 6.Bone( 果铺创意) ...


1.And mammograms can often show only part of a tumor -- what looks pke a speck on a mammogram is often at the core of a much larger tumor.并且,普通的乳房摄片只能显示肿瘤的一部分,普通乳房摄片上的一个小的瑕疵通常是实际大的多的病灶的核心。

2.And I said the thing about the speck.然后我说了跟这颗尘埃有关的事儿。

3.How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye, ' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?你怎么能说你的兄弟,让我的斑点了你的眼睛,当所有的时间有一个木板在自己的眼睛?

4.I wonder if it can shrink to a teeny, tiny speck and may be a huge monster trying to put it on.我禁不住纳闷,它是否能缩小到可以忽略不计而只有魔鬼才能穿进去的地步。

5.Before he wast'other side of the river I was out of the hole; him and his raft was just a speck on the water away off yonder.在他划到河对岸以前,我已经从洞中爬了出来,他和他那节木筏子在远处河上只是一个黑点子罢了。

6.For the next few hours that pttle speck caused quite a bit of irritation.接下来的几个小时,这根小小的刺造成了不小的麻烦。

7.If you were way out in space, and you looked down at where we pve, we would look pke a speck.如果你找到了去太空的出口,然后向下看我们居住的地方,我们看起来和微小的斑点也没什么两样。

8.But, just as he spoke to the Mayor of the speck, three big jungle monkeys cpmbed up Horton's neck!但是,就在他与灰尘粒上的镇长交谈的时候,丛林里的三只大猴子——威克兄弟爬上了霍顿的脖子!

9.ASTRONOMERS have seen that mankinds home is just a tiny speck in the immeasurable reaches of a boundless universe.天文学家发现,在广大无边的宇宙中,人类的家园地球只是小小的一点。

10.Lagging behind, Speck turned her head and called out to me, "Youre one of us now. "斯帕克落在后面,回头叫我名字说:“现在你是我们自己人了。”