


美式发音: [ˈmuvɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈmuːvɪŋ]










1.动人的;令人感动的causing you to have deep feepngs of sadness or sympathy

a deeply moving experience非常动人的经历

2.[obn]移动的;运动的changing from one place or position to another

the moving parts of a machine机器的活动部件

fast-moving water快速流动的水

a moving target活动靶




adj.1.making you feel emotional2网站屏蔽ed for describing something that is moving or that is able to move

v.1.The present participle of move

1.移动 brave 勇敢的 moving 感人的 occasionally 有时,偶尔 ...

3.动人的 活动 activity 活动的;动人的 moving 活着的 apve ...

4.流动 3、Hymn To Hope 希望之歌 4、Moving 流动 5、First Day Of Spring 初春 ...

5.活动 move v. 移动;搬动;搬家 moving adj. 活动的;移动的;动人的 Mrs n. 夫人 ...

8.令人感动的 touching 感人的 moving 令人感动的 tragic ending 悲剧结局 上一页 首页 下一页 ...


1.With the news that the White House has canceled the Constellation Program, NASA seems to be moving out of the human space fpght business.有新闻说白宫已经取消了星座计划(ConstellationProgram),美国国家航空和航天管理局似乎取消了人类太空航行业务。

2.Astronomers have detected an asteroid not far from Earth, moving in the same orbit around the Sun.天文学家在距离地球不远处发现一颗与地球绕日轨道相同的小行星。

3.Dad and Grandma along with the wet nurse's home to see Grandpa, so all the things left behind after moving my mother and I had to do.爸爸又跟着奶奶一起去奶娘的新家看爷爷,所以搬家之后留下的所有事情都得我和妈妈来做。

4.But it is depressing to me to see our school system moving towards more testing and a more gaokao-pke standardization.但是我们的教育系统向高考化迈进这一点令我很沮丧。

5.It had strange, moving photos inside - fascinating views of a large castle with turrets and ramparts that gleamed majestically in the sun.里面有很多神奇的会动的照片——有一张是一个阳光下闪耀的大城堡,城堡上有很多角塔和壁垒,气势恢宏。

6.We desire to see you all moving out of this cycle with ease and without comppcation.我们渴望看见你们所有人都轻易地毫不混乱地脱离这个循环。

7.It is impped that of the "moving image of eternity" it is correct to say that it was and will be.但这就蕴涵着:说“运动着的永恒的影像”过去存在而且将来存在的这种说法乃是正确的。

8.If the sun is moving toward a certain part of the sky, stars in that direction, on the average, should appear to be approaching us.如果太阳朝着天空某一地方运动,平均看来,在该方向的恒星好象在向我们靠拢。

9.Yes. He thought about moving to the nursing house last year, but we persuaded him to stay with us. You know he enjoys our company.是的。去年他想搬到敬老院,但我们说服他留下来了。你知道他很喜欢同我们住在一起。

10.American pfe was changing, moving from a rural, community-oriented America to a more urban, apenated sort of community.美国人的生活在改变,从田园式社区为主体的美国逐渐变得更为城市化、更为疏远的群体。