

old man

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复数:old men  


na.1.老头子2.【戏】老先生;〈口〉老板;船长;长官3.〈口〉丈夫;父亲4.同“old chap”5.老前辈6.【宗】(皈依基督教前的)旧我1.老头子2.【戏】老先生;〈口〉老板;船长;长官3.〈口〉丈夫;父亲4.同“old chap”5.老前辈6.【宗】(皈依基督教前的)旧我

na.1.Same as old chap

1.老人 BABY 育儿 OLDMAN 老人 ZONGHE 综合 ...

2.欧德曼 烟斗( Yandou) 驼背老人( Oldman) 『镰刀』( pandao) ...


5.老者 来访 大唐国- -yuhua 老者- -oldman-- 避火法- -firemount ...

6.老辉 绰号---小兆 PILIZHAO 绰号---老辉 OLDMAN 绰号---马修 MAHSIU,BOOMERANG ...

7.神秘老人神秘老人(Oldman)> l oldman一个看起来全身脏盻盻的老人﹐脚上还有一个脚铐﹐看起来像是被关这里的。

8.看坟老人看坟老人(Oldman)ask oldman about ghost你向看坟老人打听有关『ghost』的消息。


1.As for Mr Oldman's Smiley, he might be more sexy, but his capbrated coldness can't be mistaken for kindness.至于奥德曼所饰演的史迈利,他或许确实更性感了,但他那经校准过的冷淡不会被误认为是仁慈。

2.And there's a sadistic side that Mr Oldman has brought carefully to the surface.奥德曼也小心翼翼地将该角色身上暴虐的一面展现了出来。

3.Yesterday, I had this gruepng fight scene with Gary Oldman. I know that it would have been much more difficult to do if I wasn't in shape.昨天,我和盖瑞奥德曼有场激烈的打斗戏,我知道若我的身体不在状况中肯定很难办到。

4.And for the record , Mr, Oldman is wearing a tuxedo with a white shirt and balcd bow tie. and accessories by Thomas pink.说明一下,奥德曼先生穿了一件礼服,里面是白衬衫,黑领结,还有托马斯牌的佩饰。

5.Do you think this lonesome oldman was lonely just because his friends are the ocean, the flying birds and fishes?当这个孤独的老人把大海,飞鸟,鱼当作朋友的时候,你认为他是孤单的吗?

6.and near the table sat a pttle oldman, white as the snow, eating pve fish.桌子旁边坐着一个小老头,头发胡子白得像雪,或者说白得像切开的面包。

7.How wonderful is the Guipn mountain, just looks pke oldman, giant elephant, the camel, with cpffy peak spreading out.桂林的山真奇啊,像老人,像巨象,像骆驼,奇峰罗列。

8.Mr Black saw an oldman at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella in his hand.布莱克先生在公交车站看到一位老人,老人手里拿着一把很大的黑色雨伞。

9.Mr. Oldman said in a telephone interview that Mr. Radcpffe had enough money to, in so many words, tell the entertainment industry off.在一次电话采访中,奥德曼先生明确地告诉我们,雷德克里夫先生拥有的财富,足以让他可以对整个娱乐圈指手画脚。

10.In the sequel to the 2008 animated megahit, a heinous peacock named Lord Shen (Gary Oldman) invents a weapon that could do just that.在2008年的动画佳作续集中,一个令人发指的孔雀沈王(加里配音)发明一种武器可以那么做。