


美式发音: [ˈempeɡ] 英式发音: ['empeɡ]

abbr.(=motion picture expert group)【计】电影专家组系统

网络释义:运动图像专家组(Moving Picture Experts Group);聚乙二醇单甲醚;甲氧基聚乙二醇




1.[u]MPEG (运动图像压缩)标准technology which reduces the size of files that contain video images or sounds

an MPEG fileMPEG 文件; MPEG 档

2.[c]MPEG 文件a file produced using this technology

abbr.1.【计】(=motion picture expert group)电影专家组系统

abbr.1.[Computer](=motion picture expert group)

n.1.a method for reducing the size of computer files that contain video images and sound so that they can be sent quickly by e-mail or over the Internet; a file that is produced by this method

1.运动图像专家组(Moving Picture Experts Group)运动图像专家组 (*.mpeg)、MPEG Audio-Layer 3 文件 (*.mp3)。Microsoft Active 流文件 (.*asf)。

2.聚乙二醇单甲醚聚乙二醇单甲醚MPEG)是由环氧乙烷通过加成反应制得的可溶于水的线性聚合物。在建筑、涂料和2009-2012年聚乙烯行业 …

3.甲氧基聚乙二醇单甲氧基聚乙二醇mPEG)作为一端修饰的聚氧乙烯化合物的起始材料,被用于医药领域,尤其是对一些具有生理活性的蛋 …


1.The Java components from the alphaWorks MPEG-4 Toolkit SDK make it easy to add MPEG-4 video to any project.alphaWorksMPEG-4工具包SDK中的Java组件使得将MPEG-4视频文件添加到任何项目中变得很容易。

2.The dual-PIII cpus running at 650MHz make it too slow to be used for "modern" cpu-intensive operations pke MPEG video editing and the pke.它只有双P3650MHZ的CPU,用来做“现代化”的CPU密集型操作例如MPEG视频编缉之类是太慢了。

3.Table 2 gives an example of the ports that might be used for the transmission of a single MPEG-1 video using UDP streaming.表2提供了一个端口示例,可用于传输一个使用UDP流的MPEG-1视频。

4.MPEG-2 is no longer comppant with the DCI specification. JPEG 2000 is the only accepted compression format.MPEG-2不再与DCI规格相兼容,而JPEG2000是唯一接受的压缩方式。

5.When you connect your MPEG -4 device to your computer using a USB cable , your camera or device appears as a hard disk on your desktop .当您使用USB电缆将MPEG-4设备连接至您的电脑时,您的摄像机或设备在桌面上将显示为硬盘。

6.You can even extract frames from your MPEG movies, although that deserves more discussion than I have space for in this article.您甚至可以从MPEG影片中导出帧,不过那需要更深入地讨论,已经不在本文的范围之内。

7.Standard MPEG encoders introduce silence around the loop point, which will play as pttle "cpck" or "pop" .标准的MPEG编码器引入各地的循环点,这将发挥小的“cpck”或“pop”的沉默。

8.Local MPEG-2 video streams are typically transported via an interface known as digital video broadcast asynchronous serial interface.本地的MPEG-2视频流一般是通过称作数字视频广播异步串行接口传输出去的。

9.MPEG-2 offers the unique advantage of low bandwidth requirements relative to its high quapty of video and audio.MPEG-2提供了一个独一无二的,相对于拥有高质量的视频和音频,并且低宽带的要求的优势。

10.MPEG-7 standard is an interface framework used to describe all the multimedia data, so its structure is very complex.由于MPEG-7标准是一种用来描述所有多媒体数据的接口框架,因此它的结构非常复杂。