


美式发音: [ˌem ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌem ˈpiː]

abbr.(=Member of Parliament)议员;同“melting point”


英文单词:肺炎支原体(mycoplasma pneumoniae);电影(motion picture);议员(Member of Parliament)




1.议员(全写为 Member of Parliament,经选举在议会中代表某一选区者)the abbreviation for‘Member of Parliament’ (a person who has been elected to represent the people of a particular area in a parliament)

Michael Phillips MP下院议员迈克尔 ) 菲利普斯

Write to your local MP to protest.给你们地区的议员写信抗议。

Conservative/Labour MPs议会中的保守党╱工党议员

the MP for Oxford East代表牛津东区的议员

a Euro-MP欧洲议会议员

2.宪兵a member of the military police

abbr.1.(=Member of Parliament)议员2.(=milepost)里程标3.(=military police)宪兵4.(=mounted police)骑警5.(=Metropolitan Police)伦敦警察局6.【物】(=melting point)熔点;融点7.【乐】中等柔和1.(=Member of Parliament)议员2.(=milepost)里程标3.(=military police)宪兵4.(=mounted police)骑警5.(=Metropolitan Police)伦敦警察局6.【物】(=melting point)熔点;融点7.【乐】中等柔和

abbr.1.(=Member of Parliament) someone who has been elected to represent people from a particular district in a parliament2.(=milepost)3.(=military police)4.(=mounted police)5.(=Metropolitan Police)6.[Physics](=melting point)1.(=Member of Parliament) someone who has been elected to represent people from a particular district in a parliament2.(=milepost)3.(=military police)4.(=mounted police)5.(=Metropolitan Police)6.[Physics](=melting point)

1.肺炎支原体(mycoplasma pneumoniae) MP4 电影 ...

3.议员(Member of Parliament) Dim。 渐弱 mp 中弱 sfz 特强 ...

7.北马里亚纳群岛 .mo 澳门 .mp 北马里亚纳群岛 .mq 马提尼克岛 ...


1.Nadine Dorries, the Tory MP, however criticised the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace.然而,托利党下院议员纳丁娜·多瑞斯对这一提议提出攻讦,她说高跟鞋带来的分外高度能在事项场所对女性有所辅佐。

2.Bill Cash, the veteran Eurosceptic MP, said: "The entire European Union project is unravelling as the euro itself unravels. "资深的欧洲怀疑论议员比尔·卡什称:“欧元正在瓦解,欧洲联盟计划行将就木。”

3.The MP, who serves in India's upper house, later denied his televised remarks and said they had been misinterpreted by his opponents.这位国会议员来自印度上议院,稍后他否认自己在电视讲话中发表过上述言论,说自己的发言被对手曲解了。

4.It was the urge to amuse that recently prompted Cameron to riff on an old TV ad and shout "Calm down, dear, " at a female Labour MP.卡梅伦最近在愉悦别人的冲动驱使下,即兴模仿一个老电视广告,对一位工党女议员大喊“亲爱的,冷静。”

5.One MP out here with me at the UK-China Forum for the Future branded it "a cross between a stealth bomber and a disused skate park" .一位议员来这里与我一起参加了一个关于未来话题称为“隐形轰炸机遭遇废弃的溜冰场”的中英论坛。

6.An MP in India has refused the gift of a bottle of alcohol for diwali, saying it "has no place in my life" .一位印度国会议员拒绝了别人送他的一个排灯节礼物——一瓶酒,他说:“在我的生活中没有酒的位置”。

7.The latest figures in the new are the result of three years breakdown of every receipt claimed by every MP.最新数据显示的是国会议员们三年来的报销单明细。

8.The Labour MP was criticised for walking out of a Muslim wedding last summer after learning that the guests would be segregated by sex.而工党下议员菲资帕特里克由于去年的一件事被人批评,去年他曾因为得知宾客会按性别分离开来,退出了一场穆斯林婚礼。

9.Take any music and read a few bars and sing it or play it using MP (one voice only). Then check it out on the piano.采用任何音乐并视唱几小节或内心演奏(单旋律),然后在钢琴上检测一下。

10.The British are in an anti-politics mood: no MP would dare quote Burke, even if they agreed with him.英国正处于一个反政情绪之中:没有议员胆敢提起伯克,即使赞同他的观点。