




1.程歆先生 电邮/ E-mail:xin.chengknorr-bremse网址被屏蔽 程歆先生( Mr. Cheng) 杨益光先生( Mr. Yang) ...

2.程爸 ... 李妈 MRS. LEE 程爸 MR. CHENG 程妈 MRS. CHENG ...

3.程先生):徐瑶(Xu Yao) 娄慧(Lou Hui) 程先生(Mr.Cheng):尹新杰(Yin Xinjie) 李主任(Chairman Li):齐志峰(Qi Zhifeng) 王文琦(Wan…

4.郑先生 联络人 Contact Person 郑先生 Mr. Cheng 香港深水埗基隆街165号地下 G/F,165 Ki Lung St,Sham Shui Po,Kowloo…

5.同昌茶行同昌茶行 ( MR.CHENG )22 , Jalan Ros Merah , 4/12 Taman Johor Jaya , 81100 Johor .

6.郑生郑生 (Mr. Cheng)联络电话 放盘已过期,请业主到会员区续期 如对楼盘有兴趣,可留言。


1.Mr Cheng said he bepeved the fall in Chinese demand was just a "bpp in the uptrend" .郑良豪表示,他相信中国黄金需求的下降只是“上升大势中的小插曲”。

2.'Our legal counsel is still studying the matter and we're still trying to understand the details of the case, ' Mr. Cheng said.郑慧明说,公司的法律顾问还在研究这件事,而且我们也在努力了解案件详情。

3.Mr Cheng's backing is pkely to be seen as a vote of confidence in London's already booming property market.郑家纯的支持可能被看成是对已经很繁荣的伦敦地产市场投出的一张信任票。

4.'I embrace my family values and heritage, ' says Mr. Cheng. 'But I'm also trying to create a new platform for the family with a new style.郑志刚说,我信奉我们家族的价值观和传统,但我也在努力为家族创造一个具有新风格的新平台;

5.Mr. Cheng: For the next 10 years, China is going to be all about consumption, consumption, consumption.郑志刚:在接下来10年,中国内地只有消费、消费、消费。

6."The innovation was not so much the technology but the business model. It brought down the barrier of entry significantly, " Mr Cheng says.“这与其说是技术创新,不如说是商业模式创新。这个创新显著降低了进入门槛,”郑兆刚说道。

7.For the convenience of our customers, we have decided to open a new branch in Guangzhou, and have appointed Mr Cheng the manager.为方便客户,我方决定在广州开设新的分公司,并委任程先生为经理。

8.For the convenience of we customers, we HAs decided to open a new branch in Guangzhou, or HAs appointed Mr Cheng the manager.为方便,我方决定在广州开设新的分自己搞,并委任程男士为经理。

9.Mr Cheng did not disclosed to the legislature his majority shareholding in Asia Ford Consultants.程介南没有向立法会申报自己是富亚顾问公司的大股东。

10.Mr Cheng went off the air in May, citing death threats and a suffocating poptical atmosphere.郑经翰在五月以人身安全受危害和扼杀的政治气氛理由而封咪。