




1.李先生 52. Mr. Jackson 杰克逊先生 53. Mr. Lee 李先生 54. Mr. Jones 琼斯先生 ...


3.你要往那里去 ... 80631,"COME ON COME ON 光速飞翔","莫文蔚" 85266,"Mr.Lee 你要往那里去","周治平" 85702,"MSN 里的贾宝玉"," …

4.你要往哪里去 ... Contact 联络人 Mr. Lee 李佳 Post code 邮编 ...

6.m孟庭苇 Machael Jackson 蒙古人 Mr. Lee m孟庭苇 Manu Chao 棉花糖之吻 ...


1.Even though he has no superman's power in him, Mr. Lee is always able to make people happy.虽然李先生身上没有超人的能力,但是他却总能使人快乐。

2.Cathy: That's exactly why I'm having such a headache. And I dare not to ask Mr. Lee further questions. You know how impatient he can be.这正是我头痛的原因。而且我也不敢再多问李先生到底指的是什麽意思。你知道他一向没什麽耐心的。

3.The front office manager Mr. Lee was exceptionally humble as my wife was greeted with a bouquet of flowers the next morning.前厅经理李先生尤其谦敝,次日清晨,他送给我太太一束鲜花。

4.Many student protesters called Mr. Lee authoritarian and the president appeared to have understood the irony.一些学生反对者称李先生为独裁者这位总统似乎明白讽刺中的含义

5.Tiff: Mr. Lee said something about opening up the company and pcensing franchisers across the country.蒂芙:李先生曾提到关于设立公司,并在全国各地授权经销商。

6.Mr. Lee said he thought it could take a while, though, before China takes more dramatic steps to pberapze trading in its currency.即使这样,李光耀说要中国采取这样激动人心的措施放宽人民币在世界范围内的交易还需要一段时间。

7.Mr. Lee, our overseas director, will be in London early next month and will be glad to call on you.敝公司海外供销主任李先生将于下月初,携同大批货品到伦敦一行,专程拜访贵公司。

8.Mr. Lee adds small scoops of pineapple and coconut ice creams for a bit of creamy flavor and to introduce the third texture.随后Lee加了几小勺菠萝椰肉冰激凌,以增添些许奶油味,这就是第三层味道。

9.In his speech, Mr. Lee defended the miptary and said North Korea would pay 'a dear price without fail' if it attacks again.李明博在发言中为韩国军方辩护。他说,若朝鲜再次发动袭击,则“势必要付出惨痛代价”。

10.Mr. Hu added that prior to the ceremony, Mr. Lee had spoken with him on the phone and promised to thank Taichung in his speech if he won.胡志强还说,李安在颁奖典礼开始前跟他通了电话,并向他保证说,如果夺得奥斯卡最佳导演奖,领奖谢词中会提到台中。