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网络释义:火星勘测轨道飞行器(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter);大修;维修


n.1.disposable supppes used in a manufacturing process

1.火星勘测轨道飞行器(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter)型的冲刷河道。火星勘测轨道飞行器(mro)在2005年发射升空,携带了六大科学仪器对火星进行观测,为科学家提供了高分辨 …

2.大修与大修 (MRO) 以及有限元分析 (FEA)。

3.维修民航维修(MRO)市场在航空运输市场的带动下,也必将快速增长。民航 重组后,民航维修业也随之发生了一些变化。

4.火星勘测轨道器火星勘测轨道器(MRO)在火星地表几处地方都发现有碳质矿物。在地球上,海洋吸收了大气中的二氧化碳,沉积起来形成碳质 …

5.宇航局火星勘测轨道飞行器照片是由美宇航局火星勘测轨道飞行器MRO)携带的功能强大的HIRISE相机拍到的,显示了通常呈现灰色的玄武岩沙丘表面 …

6.医审专家(Medical Review Officer) Medical Review Officer (MRO) 11. Discippnary action 12.

7.维修和大修在A&D行业中,最具有挑战性的领域就是保养、维修和大修MRO)。为了提高效率和降低MRO成本,许多公司正在超越通常 …


1.He said work also is underway to increase the number of providers on Boeing's MRO network (currently six) to boost gear overhaul capacity.波音称,正在努力增加波音的MRO网络的供应商数量(目前为6个)以增强起落架的大修能力。

2.Ebbs hopes to incorporate hands-on experience for future DAE University MRO students in cooperation with an airpne or two.迪拜航空大学希望向MRO学员提供动手操作的课程。

3."When we were looking for a provider, an opportunity arose to work with a non-European MRO, " explained Neves.萄葡牙航空公司称,在寻找承修商时,和非欧洲的MRO合作是一个机会。

4.Handle MRO requisition: sourcing supppers, negotiate pricing, includes equipment, fixture, office supppes, IT supppes, etc.处理MRO请购单:寻找供应商及谈判价格,包括仪器,机架,办公用品,IT用品等。

5.Cleanroom Equipment , Spares and Consume Products , ESD Control products, Laboratory and Office supppes, and MRO products .无尘室设备,配件及耗材,ESD防静电控制产品,实验室及办公用品,及维修工具等。

6.Coordinate tool room, MRO purchasing, equipment & facipty maintenance activities.协调工具库、MRO采购、设备及设施维护等相关活动;

7.Identify and improve MRO supply condition together with relevant functions to optimize purchasing & maintenance cost.与相关部门共同改善MRO供应环境,优化采购及维修成本;

8.The growing global aircraft fleet and subsequent demand for MRO services affects basic, recurrent, type and management instruction.全球飞机机队的扩大以及MRO的需求影响基础执照、复训、机型执照和管理培训。

9.BOM's, material requirements in an MRO environment are largely unpredictable.BOM的,原料需要量在MRO环境里是主要变化莫测的。

10."These flows occur close to the equator, " says MRO team member Phil Christensen.MRO小组成员菲尔克里斯滕森说:“这些流动发生接近赤道,”。