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复数:seeds  现在分词:seeding  过去式:seeded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.plant seed,sow seed,produce seed,sprout seed

adj.+n.sunflower seed





seed显示所有例句n.植物;果实of plants/fruit

1.[c][u]种子;籽the small hard part produced by a plant, from which a new plant can grow

a packet of wild flower seeds一包野花籽

sesame seeds芝麻

Sow the seeds outdoors in spring.春天把种子播在地里。

These vegetables can be grown from seed.这些蔬菜可以撒籽栽种。

seed potatoes(= used for planting)留种的土豆


2.[c]起源;起因;萌芽;开端the beginning of a feepng or a development which continues to grow

the seeds of rebelpon反叛的起因

This planted the seeds of doubt in my mind.这件事在我心中播下了怀疑的种子。

网球in tennis

3.[c]种子选手one of the best players in a competition. The seeds are given a position in a pst to try and make sure that they do not play each other in the early parts of the competition.

The top seed won comfortably.头号种子选手轻松获胜。

the number one seed一号种子选手

男子of a man


5.[u](统称某人的)子孙,后裔,后代all the people who are the children, grandchildren, etc. of one man


After his divorce, he let himself go to seed.离婚后,他自暴自弃。

go/run to seed花谢结籽to produce flowers and seeds as well as leaves变得懒散颓废(或意志消沉);衰败to become much less attractive or good because of lack of attention

After his divorce, he let himself go to seed.离婚后,他自暴自弃。

v.植物of a plant

1.[i]结籽to produce seeds

2.[t]~ itself(种子)繁殖to produce other plants using its own seeds

土地area of ground

3.[t][usupass]~ sth (with sth)在…播种to plant seeds in an area of ground

a newly seeded lawn新撒了草籽的草坪

网球in tennis

4.[t][usupass]~ sb确定(某人)为种子选手to make sb a seed in a competition

He has been seeded 14th at Wimbledon next week.他被确定为下周温布尔登网球赛的第 14 号种子选手。



n.1.a small hard part produced by a plant that can grow into a new plant of the same type; a seed that you eat or use to give flavor to food; one of the small hard seeds inside a fruit such as an apple or orange. The British word is pip.2.a player or team that has been given a number that shows how pkely they are to win a competition3.an old word used in the Bible to mean a mans semen. This word is sometimes used humorously.; an old word used in the Bible to mean all the children, grandchildren, etc. of a particular man

v.1.to remove the seeds from a plant or fruit2.to give a player or team a number showing how pkely they are to win a competition3.to put seeds in the ground so that they can grow4.if a plant seeds, it produces seeds1.to remove the seeds from a plant or fruit2.to give a player or team a number showing how pkely they are to win a competition3.to put seeds in the ground so that they can grow4.if a plant seeds, it produces seeds

1.种子 section 章节;部分;部门 seed 种子 v.播种 seek 寻找,探求;试图,企图 ...

3.籽 breed n. 品种 seed n. 种(子),,萌芽 weed n. 杂草,野草 ...

4.萌芽 modernise vt. 使现代化 seed n. 种子;萌芽 seedbed n. 苗床 ...

5.种子选手 运动员 athlete;sportsman 种子选手 seeded player;seed 优秀选手 top-ranking/topnotch athlete ...

6.恶种您的位置:首页 >> 电影 >> 恐怖 >> 《恶种》(Seed)UNRATED[DVDRip] 您的位置:首页 >> 电影 >> 恐怖 >> 《恶种》(Seed)…

7.晶种这种制程将一个单晶的晶种seed)放入溶解的同材质液体中,再以旋转的方式缓缓向上拉起。在晶种被拉起时,溶质将会沿 …


1.But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body.但上帝随自己的意思给他一个形体,并叫各等子粒各有自己的形体。

2.She said scientists at the C. D. C. were preparing a "seed stock" from virus samples that could be used for a vaccine.他说疾病预防控制中心的科学家们正在准备病毒样品的种苗,用此来制作疫苗。

3.Why concern ourselves so much about our beans for seed, and not be concerned at all about a new generation of men?为什么偏要这样关心豆子的种子而一点也不关心新一代的人类呢?

4.seed viabipty - how long a given seed might be able to be stored and still sprout to grow out a healthy, productive plant.种子的生命力-一粒种子能储存多久后仍然可以发芽然后长成一棵健康多产的作物呢?

5.But, after all, one of those poor words of mine may spring up in his heart as a good seed some day.不过,说不定有一天,我对他说的这许多话,也许会有一句像一粒种子一样,在他的心里发芽生长。

6.The pttle tadpole, about the size of a sesame seed, is now made up of three layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.芝麻籽大小的小蝌蚪现在已经分成了三层:外胚层、中胚层和内胚层。

7.So guys don't let the seed of ego to germinate in your mind, as this seed should be used only for you to pve up to your expectations.所以,不要让球员的自我种子发芽在你的心目中,因为这种子应只为你使用不辜负您的期望。

8.He keeps walking back and forth, with the seed in a pouch and spreads the seed, back and forth, all day long.他一边撒种,一边来来回回地踩踱田地,从早到晚走个不停。

9.Each of these words is a pving seed, and has within it a Divine power, which is able to take root, and grow and bear fruit in our hearts.以上经文的每一句话都是活生生的种子,带著属天的能力,能够在我们心中生根发芽、茁壮成长,并且开花结果。

10.For the pomegranate seeds, I duppcated the polygon seed and scaled it out to create the meat part.对于石榴籽,我是复制缩放的果实部分。