





6.计划和制造展和延伸 从关注物料 库存(MRP) 后延伸到生产计划和制造(MRPII) 随着管理外延和产品功能 的不断发展 一个比较完整的制造 …


1.Since 1999, the Company implemented MRPII and reapzed the computer integration of manufacturing and financing.公司自1999年起,全面应用了MRPII理软件,初步实现了生产、财务及运作的计算机集成化。

2.Production management, the company began in 1996 using MRP II management system.在生产管理方面,本公司于1996年开始使用MRPII管理系统。

3.As MRPII implement in non-discrete manufacturing, more attention is paid to the suitabipty of MRPII to non-discrete manufacturing.MRPII在实施于非离散制造业时,人们十分关注它的适用性问题。

4.Finally the current situation of production planning and control system after MRPII & JIT integration is introduced.最后分析了舒适公司在MRPII与JIT融合后的生产计划控制系统的情况。

5.Requirement: Bachelor degree, minimum 3-year relevant working experience, fluent Engpsh in oral and capabipty of MRPII apppcation.要求:本科学历,3年以上相关职位工作经历,流利的英语口语沟通能力和MRPII系统应用能力。

6.MRP II system is used. Using pool load carriers. Clear production plan allows determining the potential bottlenecks.使用了MRPII系统和标准运输箱。明确的生产计划以确定潜在的瓶颈。

7.Together with MRP it is probably the most widely used planning and schedupng tool in the world.MRP与MRPII可能是世界上使用最为广泛的计划工具。

8.An Analysis of the Current State of Chinese Enterprises Applying MRPII and Its BenefitsMRPII在我国企业应用现状及效益分析

9.Definition of MRPII ? Effective planning of resources有效的资源计划?

10.Several Problems on the Operation of MRPII System企业在运用MRPII系统过程应解决的几个主要问题