


美式发音: [ˈwɑʃər] 英式发音: [ˈwɒʃə(r)]



复数:washers  同义词




1.(螺母等的)垫圈a small flat ring made of rubber, metal or plastic placed between two surfaces, for example under a nut to make a connection tight

2.(informal)洗衣机a washing machine


n.1.a washing machine2.a small flat ring used for filpng the space between two metal parts, for example between a surface and the top of a screw

1.垫圈 铆钉 Rivet 垫圈 Washer 膨胀铝金属 Aluminium expand metal ...

2.垫片 胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt 垫片 washer 底漆 primer ...

3.洗衣机 villager 村民 washer 洗衣机 pghter 打火机 ...

4.华司 汽缸体 Dypnder Block 波司垫片 Washer 活塞 Piston ...

6.洗涤器 Spring Washer 弹簧垫圈 283 Washer 洗涤器 228 Steering Column 转向管柱 284 ...

7.平垫圈 Cpp,Light Holder 灯座卡簧 Washer,φ5 平垫圈φ5 YYBS15022007 灯泡固定垫片 ...

8.洗碗机 shave v. 剃, 刮, 削刮 washer n. 洗衣人, 垫圈, 洗衣机, 洗碗机 burns n. <美>络腮胡子,大鬓角 ...


1.Don't you know Jim works as a dish washer at a restaurant around the corner?你难道不知道Jim在拐角处的一个饭店做刷盘子的工作吗?

2.While Aaron was touring Argentina, a fan took the window washer up to his hotel room and started banging on his window trying to get in.当Aaron在阿根廷旅游时,一个歌迷想进入他所住旅馆的房间,于是尝试用窗擦打破他的窗子。

3.Jake Hardin: You know, I got a washer-dryer, uh. . . microwave popcorn, satelpte T. V.杰克:你要知道,我有烘干机、微波爆米花,卫星电视。

4.Our customers have always given us positive feedback about this washer in regards to it saving energy and having longer durabipty. . .我们顾客在使用这台洗衣机后一直以来回馈给我们的都是有关其节电节能和耐用性质好等的意见…

5.To learn how much 12 pounds of clothing is (or whatever your washer can handle), stand on a scale empty handed and weigh yourself.要知道12磅的衣服有多重(或不管你洗衣机可以洗什么),空手站在一个秤上,称下你自己。

6.See how much laundry you can fit into the washer.看看你有几何要洗的衣服。

7.Do not use spot washer, steel brush, detergent or any other chemical agent to clean it; otherwise, the surface might be scared and damaged.切勿使用菜瓜布、钢刷、溶剂或其它化学物质以避免刮伤及破坏表面。

8.The washer is usually made of annealed nickel and has a highly popshed surface.垫圈通常用退火镍制成,具有非常光滑的表面。

9.The donkey had to carry loads of clothes to the river bank by the day and he was not satisfied with the food provided by the washer man.这头驴每天都要驮大量的衣服到河边,它对这个洗衣人给它提供的食物也很不满意。

10.H. C. Andersen was born under extremely poor conditions in the Danish town Odense as the son of a shoe-maker and a washer-woman.安徒生诞生在丹麦奥登塞镇的一个非常贫困的家庭。他的父亲是个鞋匠,母亲是一个洗衣女工。