




1.布朗夫人 ... Mr. BROWN 布朗先生 Mrs. BROWN 布朗太太 Mr. Brown upside down. 布朗先生在倒 …

3.伯朗太太 长青树( Johnny Nolan) 玉女神驹( Mrs. Brown) 与我同行( Chuck O'Malley) ...

7.我的左脚 光荣战役( Trip) 我的左脚( Mrs. Brown) 雨人( Raymond Babbitt) ...

8.周凤仪周凤仪Mrs. Brown)2009年 巾帼枭雄 殷凤仪(大奶奶) 宫心计 郭太后(太皇太后) 2010年 公主嫁到 崔太妃 读心神探 钟 …


1.Mrs. Brown: Long long ago, there was a hunter. One day, he was hunting when he found a deer.布朗太太:很久很久以前,有一个猎人。有一天,猎人在打猎。这时,他看见一只鹿。

2.'Not a bit of it, ' said Good Mrs Brown.“一点也没有,”善良的布朗太太说道。

3.Mrs. Brown: How much do I pay a student guide?布朗太太:我一天要付多少钱?

4.Mrs. Brown: Yes. But when he was raising his bow, he found the deer turning back and looking at him affectionately.布朗太太:是的。但是,当他举起弓箭的时候,他看见鹿转过头来,深情地望着他。

5.But one morning a popce car stopped outside Mrs. Brown's house at twelve o'clock, and two popcemen helped Mr. Brown to get out of the car.可有一天早上,一辆警车在十二点时停在布朗太太家门口,两位警官帮着布朗先生下了车。

6.The thought that she would be separated from her husband during his long and dangerous journey saddened Mrs Brown.(译一)在她丈夫那漫长而危险的旅途时间内她将和他分离的这个思想是布朗太太悲伤。

7.Mrs. Brown: How much does a guide ask for one day?布朗太太:雇一位导游一天花多少钱?

8.Peter Tatchell, the prominent gay rights campaigner and founder of the group Pride, said he would march with Mrs Brown.维护同性恋者权益的卓越斗士PeterTatchell,同时也是“骄傲”组织的创办人,称将与布朗夫人一起参加游行。

9.One evening the telephone bell rings and Mrs Brown answers it. A tired man says, "At what time does your last film begin? "一天傍晚,布朗女士接了一个电话,一个声音疲惫的男士说:“最后一场电影什么时候开始?”

10.Let me introduce you to Mrs. Brown, the managing director of your bank.让我向你介绍布朗女士,我们银行的行长。