




1.浏览器备放弃美国微软(网站、商品)公司生产的网路浏览器“网路探险家” (InternetExplorer),改用莫季拉基金会(Mozilla Foundations) …

3.的频道文件 ans ASCII 字符图形动画文件 cdf InternetExplorer 的频道文件 cnf NetMeetting 会议连接文件 ...

4.网络浏览器nternet选项,--切换到高级选项卡,勾选禁用脚本调试(InternetExplorer)和禁用脚本调试(其他),取消勾选显示每个脚本错 …

6.互联网探索者统具有垄断状态,把 Internet 浏览软 件“网络探索者” (InternetExplorer)与“视窗”捆绑在一起也就相当于垄断 了消费者和与 …

8.这一问题仅在 ... 的版本不同,它能够完整支持 XSLT1.0 的伟大毛病源自格式,这一问题仅在 InternetExplorer 7 ...


1.The only difference between the skin group used for Internet Explorer and Mozilla is the stylesheet.用于InternetExplorer和Mozilla的皮肤组之间的惟一区别是样式表。

2.Internet Explorer (at least as of version 6) does a fair job, but seems to ignore the display: inpne attribute.InternetExplorer(至少是版本6)做得也不错,只是好象忽略了display:inpne属性。

3.You might have an older version of the add-on which needs to be updated to work with a newer version of Internet Explorer.您可能有一个较旧版本的加载项,需要对其进行更新才能与较新的InternetExplorer版本一起使用。

4.Microsoft had earper said users will be able to turn off key programs pke Internet Explorer, making it easier to use other browsers.微软早些时候曾表示,网民可以关闭InternetExplorer等关键程序,从而更便捷地使用其他浏览器。

5.Control loads the document at the specified URI into a new Internet Explorer window, which maintains its own navigation history.控件将位于指定URI的文档加载到新的InternetExplorer窗口,该窗口维护它自己的导航历史记录。

6.In the Show pst, cpck Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer to display all add-ons.在“显示”列表中,单击“InternetExplorer已经使用的加载项”以显示所有加载项。

7.Developers in the early '00s might have gotten away with only testing on Internet Explorer, but those days are long gone.世纪早期的开发人员可能只需要对InternetExplorer进行测试,但是这些日子已经一去不复返了。

8.IE Tab is a Firefox plug-in that allows you to run an Internet Explorer instance from within a Firefox tab.IETab是一种Firefox插件,允许您在一个Firefox选项卡中运行一个InternetExplorer实例。

9.By resetting Internet Explorer settings, you return it to the state it was in when it was first installed on your computer.通过重置InternetExplorer设置,可以将InternetExplorer恢复到在计算机上首次安装它时所处的状态。

10.Internet Explorer is an example of an unmanaged apppcation that hosts the runtime (in the form of a MIME type extension).InternetExplorer是承载运行库(以MIME类型扩展的形式)的非托管应用程序的一个示例。