




1.线粒体基因组学家亦有协助,先前已借着研究人类从母亲身上遗传的“粒线体脱氧核糖核酸”(mtDNA),发现现代人类均为20万年前非洲的“粒 …


6.母系遗传中国南方人和北方人在基因组上有一定差别,这种差别集中体现在母系遗传mtDNA)上。大体上,母系遗传和地理位置关系 …


1.Variation in mtDNA is often assumed to conform to a constant mutation rate equipbrium neutral model.线粒体DNA进化通常被认为遵循一种稳定的突变速率平衡中性模型,但有证据表明该假设可能并不可靠。

2.A woman harbouring one of these mutations transmits a variable amount of mutant mtDNA to each offspring.一个女人窝藏这些突变传递一个变量数额线粒体DNA突变的每个后代。

3.Pathogenic mtDNA mutations are usually heteroplasmic, with a mixture of mutant and wild-type mtDNA within the same organism.致病线粒体DNA突变通常是异质性,以混合的突变体和野生型线粒体DNA在同一有机体。

4.What mtDNA lacks in storage capacity, however, it makes up in volume.虽然线粒体DNA在信息储存量上相对缺乏,但它以数量弥补不足。

5.Mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA)and telomere are the primary DNA markers used in deducing individual age in recent years.目前用于年龄推断研究的DNA标记主要是线粒体和端粒。

6.It was first sequenced over two decades ago, yet our understanding of the wider physiological role of mtDNA is surprisingly sketchy.这是第一序列二十多年前,但我们更广泛的生理作用的线粒体DNA的理解是惊人的粗略。

7.Objective There is no report about mtDNA deletions in guinea pigs, although it is a very ideal animal model in otology research.目的豚鼠作为理想的耳科动物实验模型,目前国内外均未见有关其线粒体DNA大片段缺失的报道。

8.The result of studies showed that many diseases have a close relationship with mtDNA mutation and deletion.研究表明,线粒体DNA突变和缺失在许多疾病发生过程中起着非常重要的作用。

9.The accumulation from mtDNA mutation and the damage from oxidation have close relationship with human diseases, aging and tumors.研究表明,线粒体DNA突变的积累和氧化损伤与人类疾病、衰老和肿瘤密切相关。

10.The mammapan mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is a small double-stranded DNA molecule that is exclusively transmitted down the maternal pne.哺乳动物线粒体基因组(线粒体DNA)是一个小型的双链DNA分子,这种分子是专门转发了母亲。