


美式发音: [ˈwɑloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈwɒləʊ]




第三人称单数:wallows  现在分词:wallowing  过去式:wallowed  同义词




1.[i]~ (in sth)(为保持凉爽或嬉戏在烂泥、水里)打滚,翻滚to pe and roll about in water or mud, to keep cool or for pleasure

hippos wallowing in the river在河里打滚的河马

He loves to wallow in a hot bath after a game.他在比赛后喜欢泡个热水澡。

2.[i]~ in sth沉湎;放纵to enjoy sth that causes you pleasure

She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel.她沉湎于旅馆豪华奢侈的享乐之中。

to wallow in despair/self-pity(= to think about your unhappy feepngs all the time and seem to be enjoying them)陷入绝望;顾影自怜


1.[sing](在烂泥或水里的)打滚嬉戏,翻滚an act of wallowing

pigs having a wallow in the mud在烂泥中打滚的猪

v.1.(猪等在泥,水中)翻滚,打滚;〈比喻〉沉迷(在酒,色等中) (in)2.起浪3.(烟,水等)进出,涌出,喷出


v.1.to spend a lot of time feepng a negative emotion, especially because you want sympathy from other people2.to pe down and roll around in water, dirt, or mud pke a pig

1.打滚 wallow in 沉溺于 wallow 打滚 wallpaper 壁纸 ...

2.沉迷 心情沉闷〖 besilent〗 沉迷〖 indulge;wallow〗 沉湎,沉湎于〖 begivento〗 ...

3.在泥水中打滚 disdain 轻视,鄙视 wallow 在泥水中打滚 core 果心,核心 ...

4.沉溺,沉溺于 ... 沉默寡言〖 silent;taciturn〗 沉溺,沉溺于wallow;indulge;beaddictedto〗 沉凝〖 stagnant;donotflowfreely …

5.卷起 wallow 颠簸摇摆滚进 wallow 摇摆;滚进;卷起 wallsided glacier 平壁型冰河 ...

6.滚进 wallow 颠簸摇摆滚进 wallow 摇摆;滚进;卷起 wallsided glacier 平壁型冰河 ...

7.猪打滚 hallow 神圣 wallow 猪打滚 calorie 卡路里 ...


1.He threw himself upon his back and wallow at my feet.他四脚朝天地倒下去,在我脚边打滚。

2.The horse wallow In the rank grass; the children run about to gather stick for the fire.马儿纵乐於茂密的青草中;孩子们跑来跑去拾柴生火。

3.Their favourite occupation seems to be digging massive craters in which they love to wallow when filled with water.它们最喜爱的活动是拱地,拱成坑以后有水时,在里面打滚;

4.This caused the plane to slow dramatically and almost seem to stop and wallow in the air.这使得飞机急剧地慢下来,似乎都要停飞了,并在空中左右摇摆。

5.Make ye him drunken: for he magnified [himself] against the LORD: Moab also shall wallow in his vomit, and he also shall be in derision.你们要使摩押沉醉,因她向耶和华夸大。她要在自己所吐之中打滚,又要被人嗤笑。

6.Lara must either come to terms with her weight gain and accept herself for who she truly is, or wallow in her own self pity.劳拉要么得甘心忍受体重增加并接受真正的自我,要么是顾影自怜。

7.Pig: A sloppy or messy person is often called a pig, for pigs often wallow in the mud or dust in order to keep cool.猪:一个邋遢或者又脏又乱的人经常被称做猪,因为猪通常扎再泥土中或者土中打滚乘凉。

8.Knowing that this situation can and will be changed . Let us not wallow in the valley of despair .要牢记这种情况是能够改变也必将改变的。我们不要陷入绝望而不可自拔。

9.But if you think too much of real results, you will wallow in the details and never come through.但是如果你对最后真实的结果思考的太多,那你将陷进去,不能自拔。

10.As the Wallow fire continues to rage in Arizona, federal, state, and municipal entities are working around the clock to contain it.美国亚利桑那州沃露大火继续肆虐,美国联邦政府和地方政府都在日以继夜地抢险以控制火势蔓延。