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un.1.穆巴拉克(Mohammed Hosny,1928—,阿拉伯埃及共和国总统,1981年10月当选)

1.穆巴拉克家喻户晓的伟大科学家,早在得诺贝尔奖的前 3 年,埃及总统木巴拉克Mubarak)就曾经颁给齐威尔国家最高科学成就奖, …

6.穆巴拉克总统首先,我要先向各位致敬,经过三十多年穆巴拉克总统(Mubarak)的专制统治,贪污腐败,民生凋敝,你们终於忍无可忍、不分 …

7.埃及木巴拉克埃及木巴拉克(Mubarak),世界上最大的转送水建筑,它打算把五十万英亩的沙漠转变成可耕种土地。Mubarak水泵站是这个工 …


1.The images appeared to be a bid to show that control of the armed forces was still in the hands of Mr. Mubarak and his regime.播出这些画面似乎是为了显示军队的控制权仍然掌握在总统穆巴拉克和他的政府手中。

2.Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced he would not run for a new term but rejected protesters' demands he step down immediately.年,埃及总统穆巴拉克宣布他将不再担任新的任期,但拒绝抗议者要求他立即下台的要求。

3.Or, as a writer in The Washington Times lamented last week: "Mr Mubarak may have been a tinpot dictator, but he supported America. "或者,正如《华盛顿时报》(TheWashingtonTimes)一位撰稿人上周哀叹的那样:“穆巴拉克或许是个无足轻重的独裁者,但他支持美国。”

4.Since Mr Mubarak had never anointed a deputy, this was widely seen as a first step to his own graceful retirement.由于穆巴拉克此前从未任命过副手,因此这项决定被广泛视为他本人体面退休的第一步。

5.But the "very good upside" Mr Obama discerned when he abandoned Mr Mubarak in February is no longer such a sure thing.但是,2月份奥巴马抛弃穆巴拉克时所称的“[color=#ff0000]坏事的很好一面”不再是这种确定之事。

6.Whatever the high-level assessments were, there seemed to be at least a strong suspicion that [Mubarak] would stay in power.不管高层的评估结果如何,至少媒体对于[穆巴拉克]继续掌权持强烈怀疑的态度。

7.Mubarak said he and his wife, only to bank accounts in Egypt, there is no deposit in overseas, nor any real property.穆巴拉克说,他和他的夫人,只在埃及的银行有帐户,在海外没有任何存款,也没有任何不动产。

8.He unwisely called Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak the "wisest of men" , only to see him toppled.他不明智地称埃及总统胡斯尼穆巴拉克的是“最聪明的男人”,结果只看到他被推翻。

9.Mr. Mubarak's miptary backers, beneficiaries of that aid, worried that he was no longer a repable source of revenue.穆巴拉克的军事支持力量以及美国对埃援助的受益者们,都担心穆巴拉克将不再是他们的可靠财源。

10.Look at how much disillusionment there is next door in Egypt today, eight months after Hosni Mubarak was ousted.看看胡斯尼·穆巴拉克被驱逐8个月后的今天,邻国埃及的幻灭多么严重。