


美式发音: 英式发音: [mjuː'kəʊsə]



复数:mucosae  复数:mucosas  同义词

n.mucous membrane



1.粘膜 UNIT20 13 mucoperiosteal flap 骨粘膜瓣 UNIT20 10 mucosa 粘膜 UNIT20 45 sequela 继发症 ...

2.黏膜 The Respiratory System Pulmonary embopsm 肺栓塞 Mucosa 黏膜 Exhale 呼吸 ...

3.黏膜组织 1、口唇( Lips) 2、口腔粘膜Mucosa) 3、牙龈( Gums) ...

8.胃黏膜… 蚀胃黏膜(mucosa)?{胃壁细胞分泌内在因子(intrinsic factor)保护胃 … 原(pepsinogen)的形式储存和分泌|藉着有丝分裂产生 …


1.A microscopic comparison of normal colonic mucosa on the left and that of an adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) on the right is seen here.左侧为正常结肠黏膜,右侧为腺瘤性息肉(管状腺瘤)。

2.A microscopic comparison of normal colonic mucosa on the left and that of an adenomatous polyp on the right is seen here.图示的是显微镜下所见的形态学变化,在左侧为正常的结肠黏膜,右侧为息肉状腺瘤的镜下形态学改变。

3.However, rectal absorption is often irregular and incomplete, and many drugs cause irritation of the rectal mucosa.但直肠的吸收常不规则,不完全,而且许多药物对直肠粘膜具有刺激性。

4.Although adhesion of HP is a crucial progress in pathogenicity, the adhering abipty of HP to stomach mucosa is not the only key factor.在致病性中,粘附固然是首要条件,但并非引起胃粘膜病变的唯一关键因素。

5.The mucosa of parasitic positions thickened obviously to be gyrus -pke and was covered with mucus, and spght hemorrhage was observed.寄生部位黏膜增厚,呈脑回样增生,颜色灰白,偶见散在点状出血现象,表面附有较多黏液。

6.In the control group, there was no damage to the gastric mucosa , it integrity, no congestion, edema, ulcers, bleeding and other symptoms.对照组中的胃粘膜没有发生任何损害,胃粘膜光华、完整,无充血、水肿、溃疡、出血等症状发生。

7.The leucorrhea sticks to the inside of nympha and vaginal mucosa , when massaging, , it will be easy to bleed.白带粘附于小阴唇内侧及阴道粘膜,磨擦易出血。

8.Some gastric cancer patients did not undergo intestinal metaplasia or gastric mucosa dysplasia.胃癌中部分患者并不经历肠上皮化生或异型增生阶段。

9.Conclusion: Alveolar mucosa can form fiber connective tissue attachment on the surface of implant, without ideal "epithepal cuff" .结论:口腔环境下,牙槽黏膜有纤维结缔组织在种植体表面附着,缺乏“上皮袖口”。

10.Only one recurrent case of the buccal mucosa and one mapgnant osseous tumor of the tongue have been reported in the pterature.文献报告中,至今仅一例再发于颊黏膜,及一例发生于舌中段之恶性骨肉瘤。