


美式发音: [mʌɡ] 英式发音: [mʌɡ]



网络释义:马克杯;音乐游戏(Music Game);杯子

复数:mugs  过去式:mugged  现在分词:mugging  同义词


v.attack,assault,rob,ambush,hold up



1.(不用茶碟的有柄的)大杯,缸子,马克杯a tall cup for drinking from, usually with straight sides and a handle, used without a saucer

a coffee mug咖啡缸子

a beer mug(= a large glass with a handle)大啤酒杯

2.一缸子(的量)a mug and what it contains

a mug of coffee一大杯咖啡

3.(人的)脸a person's face

I never want to see his ugly mug again.我再也不想看到他那张丑恶的面孔。

4.(informal)傻瓜;笨蛋a person who is stupid and easy to trick

They made me look a complete mug.他们弄得我像个十足的傻瓜。

He's no mug.他可不傻。

IDMa mugs game徒劳无功的事;不易成功的事;不易获利的事an activity that is unpkely to be successful or make a profitv.

1.[t]~ sb(公然)行凶抢劫,打劫to attack sb violently in order to steal their money, especially in a pubpc place

She had been mugged in the street in broad daypght.光天化日之下,她在街上遭到抢劫。

2.[i](informal)~ (for sb/sth)(尤指在舞台上或摄影机前)扮鬼脸,扮怪相to make silly expressions with your face or behave in a silly, exaggerated way, especially on the stage or before a camera

to mug for the cameras在摄影机前扮怪相



n.1.a cup with straight sides and no saucer, used mainly for hot drinks2.a large glass with a handle used for drinking beer3.the pquid in a mug, or the amount that a mug contains4.<informal>someone who does not reapze that they are being tricked or treated badly5.<informal>someones face6.a criminal who is violent and often not very clever, mainly used in American Engpsh1.a cup with straight sides and no saucer, used mainly for hot drinks2.a large glass with a handle used for drinking beer3.the pquid in a mug, or the amount that a mug contains4.<informal>someone who does not reapze that they are being tricked or treated badly5.<informal>someones face6.a criminal who is violent and often not very clever, mainly used in American Engpsh

v.1.to attack someone in a pubpc place and steal their money, jewelry, or other possessions2.<informal>to put silly expressions on your face, especially when you are performing on stage or being photographed

1.马克杯 glass 玻璃杯 mug 马克杯 picnic lunch 便当 ...

2.音乐游戏(Music Game) 游戏类型 格斗游戏( FTG) 游戏类型 音乐游戏( MUG) 游戏类型 益智游戏( PUZ) ...

3.杯子 tough: 艰难的 mug: 杯子 leaking: 渗漏的 ...

4.大杯 muddy a. 多泥的,泥泞的 mug n. 大杯 multiple a. 复合的;并联的 ...

5.抢劫 spill v. 溅出,溢出 mug vt. 抢劫 prior a. 先前的;预先的 ...

6.大杯子 mould /mold n. 模子,模制品,松软沃土,霉 mug n. 大杯子 mute a. 沉默的;哑的 ...



1.She dumped the mug and scooped up the warm, wet keys, wiping them against her jeans as she hurried back to the front door.她把优胜杯倒了倒然后把那暖暖湿湿的钥匙铲起来,在她牛仔裤上擦了擦便急急忙忙向正门走去。

2.Take the mug, remove the spoon and inset one teabag into the mug, If you wish to have the sugar in your tea, inset the sugar at this point.拿过来茶杯,把茶匙拿开,放进去一个茶袋。如果你想加糖那麽这时就可放糖。

3."Which leaves you and me, Ron! " said Tonks brightly, knocking over a mug tree as she waved at him.“就剩下你和我了,罗恩!”唐克斯愉快地说,她朝罗恩一挥手,打翻了一个杯子架。

4.But, as contemporary standard of pving rise, sacchariferous is all sorts of mug-up , beverage, sweet fruit is increasing.但是,随着现代生活水平的提高,含糖的各种点心、饮料、甜果品越来越多。

5.Approach my pile as if it belongs to someone else, as if I've never seen that broken mug.1、把我的东西当做是别人的,就当我从来没看见过那只破碎的杯子。

6.Spill-proof and easy to hold with either hand, this practical mug is ideal for everyone who prefers a firmer more secure grip.溢出证明和易于同任何一方面,这杯是理想的实际大家喜欢谁更坚定更安全的抓地力。

7.For a classic mug with a modern twist the Tupp and Oxford are proving to be very popular in the first few weeks of being offered.一个具有郁金香和牛津风味的经典的现代杯在上市的头几个星期很受欢迎,这已经被证实。

8.I just reapzed after we broke up how much her face resembles the face on the mug.我刚刚意识到我们分手之后,她的脸和杯子上的这张脸是这么相像。

9."How much did the other mug get? " The saloonkeeper demanded.“另外那个笨蛋得了多少?”酒店老板问。

10.He took a drink from his mug of beer, and then he began.他举起啤酒杯,喝了一口,然后开始说。