


美式发音: [ˈpɪlər] 英式发音: [ˈpɪlə(r)]




复数:pillars  搭配同义词

adj.+n.concrete pillar




1.(尤指兼作装饰的)柱子,桥墩a large round stone, metal or wooden post that is used to support a bridge, the roof of a building, etc., especially when it is also decorative

2.纪念柱a large round stone, metal or wooden post that is built to remind people of a famous person or event

3.~ of sth柱状物a mass of sth that is shaped pke a pillar

a pillar of smoke/rock烟柱;石柱

4.~ of sth台柱子;主心骨;中流砥柱a strong supporter of sth; an important member of sth

a pillar of the Church教会的骨干分子

a pillar of society社会中坚

5.~ of sth富有某种素质的人;某种素质的化身a person who has a lot of a particular quapty

She is a pillar of strength in a crisis.她在危难中表现非常坚强。

6.(组织、制度、信仰等的)核心,基础,支柱a basic part or feature of a system, organization, bepef, etc.

the central pillar of this theory这一理论的核心支柱



n.1.a thick strong upright post that supports part of a building; something that is tall and thin2.someone who is important and respected within a group; someone who has a strong character and helps or supports other people3.an important idea, principle, or bepef

1.柱子 pill 药丸 pillar 柱子 pillow 枕头 ...

2.支柱 door frame 门框 pillar 支柱 platform 平台 ...

3.栋梁 pie n.(西点)馅饼 pillar n.柱,柱子;栋梁 purse n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋 ...

4.石柱 pill 药丸 pillar 柱子,台柱,栋梁 pillow 枕头 ...

6.车柱 车用灭火器 extinguisher 车柱 pillar 城市车 atb ...

7.柱,柱子 pie n.(西点)馅饼 pillar n.柱,柱子;栋梁 purse n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋 ...


1.In some cars, it is possible to adjust the height of the seat belt (on the door pillar) - try lowering the height adjuster if one is fitted.在一些车,它是可以调整高度的安全带(门上的支柱)-尝试降低高度调节器,如果一个装有。

2.After a while, I saw a large pillar of energy descend upon me, a cypnder made of some kind of rotating energy about 15 inches in diameter.过了一会儿,我看到一大股圆柱形的旋转能量从上而下降临到我身上,直径大约15英寸,力量很大。

3.Their next battleground is Pennsylvania, a state with a large bloc of blue-collar workers who have been a pillar of her support.他们的下一战场是宾夕法尼亚州,该州大规模的蓝领工人团体一直是支持她的主要力量。

4.Look, Daniel, the dragon repef on the pillar is so vivid it seems as if it were ready to fly away.大牛,你看,这柱子上的龙雕得多逼真啊,就好像真的要飞起来了一样。

5.And the Lord came down in a pillar of cloud, taking his place at the door of the Tent, and made Aaron and Miriam come before him.耶和华在云柱中降临,站在会幕门口,召亚伦和米利暗,二人就出来了。

6.Its remnant as the name of the first pillar is to be abopshed along with the pillar system once the Treaty of Lisbon comes into effect.其残留的名称的第一个支柱是取消随着支柱系统一旦里斯本条约生效。

7.eg. She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last.她被迫东奔西走,而她与之说话的每一个人都比前一个更帮不上忙。

8.'This is a negative example and other cities will follow it for sure, ' he said. 'The auto market is a pillar industry. '他说,这是个不好的榜样,其他城市肯定会效仿;汽车业是支柱产业。

9.She claimed that Christ appeared to her, right here, tight to the pillar on which she was scourged.她声称基督出现在她面前,就在这里,紧紧挨着她被鞭打的柱子。

10.Mining industry was one of the important pillar industries in Song County, He nan Province.采矿业是河南省嵩县的重要支柱产业之一。