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1.穆加贝就是穆加贝Mugabe)时期的津巴布韦(Zimbabwe)41400:26:29,200 --> 00:26:33,079德国的经济危机可能更糟41500:26:33…

2.津巴布韦总统穆加贝  津巴布韦总统穆加贝Mugabe)标注提示:moo-GAH-bee  津巴布韦首都哈拉雷(Harare)标注提示:hah-RAR-ray  委内瑞拉 …

3.津巴布韦领总统穆加贝自从1995年以来,英国共剥夺34人爵士封号,包括津巴布韦领总统穆加贝Mugabe)、著名间谍安东尼·布朗特(Anthony Blunt…

4.辛巴威的穆加贝2008年,辛巴威的穆加贝Mugabe)破坏选举,引爆一场内乱,中国投资者逃跑,继任的反对派仍然把他们与前独裁者联结起 …

5.总统莫加比在六月,森巴威总统莫加比Mugabe)以暴力及武弊强迫反对党退出选举,连任总统,但国际压力逼使他同意与反对党谈判政 …

6.津巴布韦的穆加贝例如津巴布韦的穆加贝(Mugabe) 政权采取恐怖行动,在3月29日举行的不自由和不公正的选举后,数百名反对党成员及支持者 …

7.津巴布韦总统穆加比在六月,津巴布韦总统穆加比(Mugabe)以暴力及舞弊强迫反对党退出选举,连任总统,但国际压力逼使他同意与反对党谈判政 …


1.Born in Uganda, this Archbishop of York says he would not wear one again until Robert Mugabe is no longer leader of Zimbabwe .这位生于乌干达的约克角的大教主称只要RobertMugabe还是津巴布韦的总统,他就不会戴再领带。

2.Though the local authorities had let me go, there was no guarantee I would avoid being interrogated again by Mugabe's secret popce.尽管当地政府放了我,但不保证我再度遭到穆加贝的秘密警察的审问。

3.Teetotal Mugabe's private party yesterday was hosted by his wife, Grace, 44, and attended by friends and a number of African diplomats.昨天,穆加贝的私人集会由他44岁的夫人格蕾丝主持,集会上不饮酒。出席集会的有他的朋友和几个非洲国家的外交官。

4.But on a range of issues Mr Mugabe ensures that his prime minister is often kept out of the loop, in blatant defiance of the GPA.但是在很多事情上,穆加贝先生是把他的总理留在局外的,例如明目张胆挑衅《全球政治协定》。

5.The AU's response was embraced by Mr Mugabe, which betrays exactly how much notice he is pkely to take of any of it.穆加贝先生对非盟的回应表示欢迎。这清楚的表明他可能接受一些建议。

6.Since the unity government was set up a year ago, Mr Mugabe has treated Mr Tsvangirai and his party with contempt.联合政府一年前成立以来,穆加贝对茨万吉拉伊和MDC一直予取予求。

7.FOR the first time in 28 years of increasingly reckless and vile rule, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe looks as if he may go. But only may.在罗伯特•穆加贝鲁莽而又无耻地统治津巴布韦长达28年来,这是头一次他可能要下台,但也仅仅是可能。

8.He said Mr. Mugabe would be declared the winner and all the country's factories would be given to black Zimbabweans.他说,穆加贝会宣布获胜,然后整个国家的工厂都会交给津巴布韦的黑人。

9.Before arriving in Zimbabwe from Mozambique early Sunday, the archbishop of Canterbury said he hoped to see President Mugabe on Monday.这位坎特伯雷大主教星期天早上从莫桑比克抵达津巴布韦之前表示,他希望在星期一会晤津巴布韦总统穆加贝。

10.Once Mr Mugabe is locked into proper talks, it may no longer be so easy for him to have his way.一旦穆加贝先生正式加入谈判,那么他再想按自己的方式执政就不那么容易了。