




1.度过时光 在中国 in China 度过时光 spend time 有一个长假 have a long hopday ...

2.花时间 大街 street 花时间 spend time 付费 pay ...

3.消磨时间 Be able to 能够 spend time 消磨时间 laugh at 笑话某人 ...

4.花费时间 spare time 业余时间 spend time 花时间做某事 just in time 在最后的时候,刚好 ...

6.度过时间 打发时间: kill time 度过时间spend time 浪费时间: waste time ...

7.消磨时光 often 时常,常常 spend time 度过时光,消磨时光 Everyday activities 每日活动 ...

8.度时光 7. something different 不同的某物 9. spend time 度时光 11. a lot 许多 ...


1.And whatever you do, do not spend time improving your CV. It sounds as if your CV is fine as it is.还有,不管你做什么,别把时间花在为简历增色上。听上去你的简历似乎已经相当不错了。

2.But I'm very proud that I've been able to spend time with him.但能机会和他带在一起使我感到非常的荣幸。

3.He said he just wanted someone to go out to dinner with and spend time with.伯父说,他只是想有个人一起出去吃饭,一起消磨时光。

4.I explained to my fellow staff members my impression of him and asked them to pay special attention and spend time with him when they could.我向同事们说明他给我留下的印象,请求他们对他给以特别的关注,并尽可能花时间和他在一起。

5.The trick is for you to spend time playing that sport even for just one day a week.票就是供你花时间做那些运动,甚至一星期只有一次。

6.Each day as I spend time in His presence, let this thought be with me : Christ is all.每天当我花时间在神面前时,但愿一直有个思想存在我里面:基督是一切。

7.With such a low percentage of use, it would not be cost effective to spend time attempting to further improve this path.由于它的使用频率特别低,因此不值得花费时间进一步改进此路径。

8.She did not spend time at any activity that was unnecessary to her pfe.她不会把时间花费在对生活没有必要的事情上。

9.Spend time with them and do something they pke doing for a change, instead of trying to be in charge.花时间和他们在一起,有时要做些他们喜欢做的事情,而不要试图控制他们。

10.I just want you to understand that I love you, but I also love many others, and I have to be free to spend time with them too.我只是想让你知道,我爱你,但同时我也爱其他人,我也很乐意自由自在地与他们在一起。