




1.一个阳光灿烂的日子 在度假 on vacation 晴朗的一天 a sunny day 在冬天 in winter ...

3.晴朗的日子 ... adj. 1. 太阳(般)的 a sunny day 晴朗的日子 look on the sunny side of everything 对每件事都抱乐观态度 ...

4.一个晴天 give ... ... camera 给……照相, a sunny day 一个晴天, this group of people 这群人, ...

5.风和日丽 01.日出 Sunrise 5:00AM 02.风和日丽 A Sunny Day 7:00AM 03.飞翔 Flying 9:00AM ...

6.好天气 8. 她的微笑 Angel's Smile 9. 好天气 A Sunny Day 10. 旋转星空 Starry Night ...

7.阳光普照的日子 come to pfe 复苏 a sunny day 阳光普照的日子 the gusting wind 狂风 ...

8.阳光明媚的一天 ... a fine day 晴好的一天 a sunny day 阳光明媚的一天 a rainy day 下雨天 ...


1.I still remember it was a sunny day, and I can felt the warmth of the wind when in blow onto my face.我还记得那天阳光明媚,我可以感觉到暖风睡到脸上。

2.Most professional players don't wear them when they play on a sunny day, but sunglasses will allow you to see the ball more clearly.大多数的职业球手在太阳下比赛的时候都不戴太阳镜,但是太阳镜能够使你把球看得更清楚。

3.Having made the plane, he tried it out on a sunny day.做完了飞机,在一个阳光明媚的日子他进行了试飞。

4.A good personapty is better than an outstanding intepgence. A good temper is overflown with splendor just as a sunny day.良好的个性胜于卓越的才智。好脾气宛如晴天,到处溢放着光亮。

5.There is nothing new to report about Auschwitz. It was a sunny day and the trees were green and at the gates the children played.奥斯威辛没有什么新东西可以报道。这里天气晴朗,树木青青,门前还有儿童在打闹、嬉戏。

6.Do you know that you can use a watch as a compass on a sunny day ? Take a watch and point the hour-hand in the direction of the sun .你知道天晴时可把手表当作指南针用吗?拿一块手表,将时针指向太阳;

7.It was a sunny day, in the mid-80s, so Noor suggested going to a Mexican restaurant across the parking lot for a drink.这是一个阳光明媚的日子,在80年代中期,所以努尔建议去对面的停车场喝的墨西哥餐厅。

8.Having made the model plane, he tried it out on a sunny day.做完了模型飞机,在一个阳光明媚的日子他进行了试飞。

9.It describes requirements for a simple wizard with a home page, main flow ( also called a "sunny day path" ), and an alternate flow.它为一个带有主页、主操作流(也叫做“阳关大道”)和备选操作流的简单向导描述了需求。

10.Last Saturday was a sunny day; Sally had been planning how she was going to spend the day. Eventually, she decided to go to the cinema.上个星期六是阳光明媚的一天,萨莉一直在筹划怎样度过这一天,最后,她决定去看电影。