




1.多极世界 多极时代 multi-polar times 多极世界 multi-polar world 多极性 multi-polarized ...

2.多极化世界 多极化世界 multi-polar world 经济全球化 economic globapzation ...


1.The goal of the United States has always been a global hegemony, while the Europe Union expects to see a multi-polar world.美国始终以全球霸权为目标,而欧盟更愿意看到一个多极的世界。

2.A president who promoted the construction of a strong Europe, to counter-balance America in a multi-polar world.一位促进建立一个强大的欧洲使之能在多极世界中和美国抗衡的总统。

3.In this multi-polar world, the challenge for the EU and China is to create a strategic vision of the kind of partnership we want.在这个多极世界中,欧盟和中国面临的挑战是建立一个战略愿景,实现我们想要的那种伙伴关系。

4.With the appearance of the multi-polar world, India goes on taking economic reform and enhancing its overall national strength.多极化世界格局的逐步形成,印度经济改革继续推进,综合国力稳步提高。

5.First, global balance of power is going through new changes and the prospects of a multi-polar world become clearer.一是国际力量对比发生新的此消彼长,世界多极化前景更加明朗。

6.Multipolar world is the only way to preserve peace, in the multi-polar world, Russia will have its own mission .多极世界是维护和平的唯一办法,俄罗斯在多极世界中将有自己的使命。

7.The reform of the international system has been accelerating and the prospects of a multi-polar world become clearer.国际体系变革进程加快,世界多极化更加明朗。

8."Close relations between China and Venezuela would advance the creation of a multi-polar world. "“中国与委内瑞拉之间的紧密关系,对于创建一个多极世界将起到促进作用。”

9.Russia has long called for a multi-polar world, aiming to weaken American influence.俄罗斯长期以来呼吁建立一个多极世界,旨在削弱美国的影响力。

10.Russia and China talk merrily of a multi-polar world.俄罗斯和中国都乐于谈论多极世界。