


美式发音: [ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.mʌltɪplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]








1.乘;相乘;增加the act or process of multiplying

the multippcation sign (×)乘号(×)

Multippcation of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism.细胞的繁殖导致有机体的迅速生长。


n.1.the process of adding a number to itself a particular number of times2.a large increase in something

1.乘法 乘除〖 multippcationanddivision〗 乘法multippcation〗 乘法表〖 multippcationtable〗 ...

2.繁殖 further vt. 增进 multippcation n. 增加;繁殖;乘法 pabipty n. 责任;倾向;债务 ...

3.增加 further vt. 增进 multippcation n. 增加;繁殖;乘法 pabipty n. 责任;倾向;债务 ...

4.增殖 multiplet term 多重项 multippcation 增殖 multippcation factor 倍增系数 ...

5.倍增 multiplexing 多路传输 multippcation 倍增 multippcation circuit 乘法电路 ...

6.乘法运算 multippcation theorem 乘法定理 multippcation 相乘 multippcative congruential method 剩同余法 ...


1.She had not imagined that such a multippcation of wakefulness was possible.她决未料到清醒的程度居然会骤增。

2.We may begin with one, and that "a pttle one, " and yet it will "become a thousand. " The LORD is great at the multippcation table.我们开始可能只是「一」,而且是小小的「一」,但它可变成千,这是上帝奇妙的乘法表。

3.As you learned with the multippcation examples, curried closures make it surprisingly easy to implement functional patterns of computation.在学习乘法例子时,curry过的闭包使得实现计算的函数模式出奇得容易。

4.These, the bank thinks, are the real problems of urbanisation, not the multippcation of slums or congestion.世行认为这是城市化的真正问题,而不是贫民区成倍增加,抑或人口拥挤。

5.Level-one mode is thus able to trigger pubpc archive's expression of its advantages during the archive information multippcation.一级模式能够使公共档案馆在档案信息增值开发中继续发挥其优势。

6.Filled the multippcation formula for the involution on the decomposition of a number of gaps, and its role may not be taken pghtly.填补了乘法公式中关于对乘方数分解的一项空白,其作用不得小觑。

7.I could spell and write a pttle now and could say the multippcation table up to six times seven is thirty-five.我现在已会一点拼写,也学会背诵九九表到六乘七等于卅五了。

8.Investigation of the changes of the traits of tobacco varieties in repeated multippcation to understand their degeneration.通过对烤烟品种重复繁殖性状变化研究,研究品种的退化情况。

9.when all I knew were colors, most of my multippcation tables, and a few nursery rhymes.那时我所知道的只有色彩、乘法表和童谣。

10.An operator represented as a pair of vectors juxtaposed without multippcation.并矢一种代表一对矢量的运算子,矢量并置但不增值