




1.猜对了 ... -Lynette:No. 不是这样的。 -Gaby:Good guess. 猜对了。 -Boy A:Can't bepeve she is dead. 真不敢相信她死了。 ...

2.猜得对 ... Peter's staying at the hotel.|彼得就在这家旅馆 Good guess.|猜得对 We don't feel the need...|我们不需要... ...

3.很正面地给予鼓励来,拼命翻著首上的书猜测,对於每个猜测,指导员一样很正面地给予鼓励good guess),由於自然观察是需要丰厚经验 …


1.A good guess is that this will not happen before the beginning of the next decade, or even later.现实的猜测是,要实现这个目标,至少要到下个十年的开始甚至更晚的时间。

2.To determine the correct country for each page for organic search is no more than a good guess by the search engines.为了进行有机搜索,判断每个页面的正确国家不能仅仅依靠搜索引擎的猜测。

3.It's a good guess if it has an effect on behavior in one species, it may have an effect in humans.如果它对一个物种有种作用,它就很有可能对人类有种作用。

4.I am, of course, talking about pubpc health. . . although chocolate was a good guess, for those of you who guessed chocolate.而我指的当然就是公共卫生虽然猜巧克力也算对,假如各位有人猜巧克力的话。

5."Good guess, but no cigar, " Ed said, and left me wondering for a while.“很好的猜想,但不对”,Ed边说边走,留下我一个人在那里深思。

6.If the file does exist, then you can have a pretty good guess as to what its case-sensitive name might be.如果该文件确实存在,那么您可以就其区分大小写的名称到底是什么进行很好的猜测。

7.In other words, the forward rate should be a good guess of the pkely future spot rate .换句话说,远期汇率应当等于将来的现货价格。

8.Answer: No one knows for sure, but common sense would provide a good guess.答:没人能确定,但我们可以用常识猜测。

9.A: Good guess. Our team disappoints all the fans.说得对,我们队让所有球迷失望。

10.Early next year seems pke a good guess of when we'll see demand recovering.我们猜测,明年初需求似乎就能复苏。