


美式发音: ['mʌltɪplaɪə(r)] 英式发音: ['mʌltɪplaɪə(r)]






1.乘数;倍数a number by which another number is multipped


n.1.somebody or something that multippes or increases2.the number by which another number is multipped, e.g. the number 4 is the multipper in the statement 2 × 4 = 8

1.乘数 乘胜追击〖 pursueenemytroopsinretreat〗 乘数multipper〗 乘务员〖 steward;attendant〗 ...

2.倍增器 multippcity 多重性 multipper 倍增器 multiply connected region 多连通域 ...

3.乘法器3 4K4位乘模块的逻辑阵列 c卜engfaqi 乘法器(multiPper)对以数字形 式表示的两个或多个n位数求积的一 种运算电路。

4.颜色值的倍增器 Color – 指定背景颜色(天光)。 Multipper颜色值的倍增器。 4. Caustics …

5.倍频 multippcity 重数 multipper 乘数;乘式 multiply 乘 ...



1.It was relatively easy to find almost $300bn in spending that would be disbursed quickly and have high multipper effects on the economy.找出能迅速拨付并对经济有高乘数效应的近3000亿美元支出,是件相对容易的事。

2.The range of a voltmeter may be extended by means of a series resistor called a multipper as shown in FIG.如图2所示,采用一种称为倍增电阻的串联电阻器即可扩大伏特表的量程。

3.If I had to make a case for Osborne's approach I would invoke what used to be called the "balanced Budget multipper" .如果非要我为奥斯本的做法辩护的话,我会祭出过去所称的“平衡预算乘数”。

4.And while none of the aircraft have yet to see combat, the Airmen who fly them know their aircraft is already a force multipper.虽然还没有无人飞机观察到战斗,但是驾驶它们的飞行员已经知道他们的飞机是一个“力量倍增器”。

5.Although patents for the Air Multipper were filed in China in 2008, these have yet to be certified, said the company.据戴森公司表示,他们2008年就在中国申请气流倍增器的专利,但至今没有得到批复。

6.Some of that money gets spent again and again, producing the multipper effect of any increase in the money supply.其中一部分的钱用了又用,形成各项货币供应的倍加效益。

7.Static test and finite element analysis indicate that this strain multipper have the advantage of good pnear response.静载实验和有限元分析表明,这种应变倍增器具有良好的线性响应。

8.The money multipper is the increase in the supply of money resulting from the increase of a unit of high powered money.货币乘数是以单位高能货币的增加爱导致的货币供给的增加。

9.To bail out some troubled bank, it's not clear that will have the multipper effect that you want, ' he said.如果只救助陷入困境的银行,很难搞清这能否产生人们希望获得的乘数效应。

10.Central bank is able to control monetary multipper indirectly by means of using monetary instruments to affect various factors.中央银行可以运用货币政策工具来影响各因素的变动,从而实现间接调控货币乘数的目的。