




1.约翰·库萨克 ▪ 服装设计:朱莉·维斯/ Jupe Weiss 约翰·库萨克/ John Cusack 杰弗里·迪恩·摩根/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan ...

2.约翰·丘萨克 雪儿( Cher) 约翰·丘萨克( John Cusack) 杰夫·戈德布拉姆( Jeff Goldblum) ...

3.约翰-库撒克 缘分天注定( Serendipity) 约翰-库撒克( John Cusack) 凯特-贝金赛尔( Kate Beckinsale) ...

4.尊克鍚克 ... ◎导演布鲁斯·贝瑞斯福 Bruce Beresford ◎主演约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Fr…

6.约翰库查克n Child),由Menno Meyjes执导,约翰库查克(John Cusack)、Joan Cusack、Amanda Peet,以及 Opver Platt主演,并与朗 …


1.In Must Love Dogs, John Cusack and Diane Lane suddenly kiss in the middle of a chat with a supermarket employee. Passionately. It's love!在《征婚广告》中,在和一位超级市场雇员交谈的时候,约翰·丘萨克和黛安娜·莱恩突然亲吻起来,热烈地亲吻。这就是爱!

2.The German born director was joined on the red carpet by stars John Cusack and Amanda Peet at the film's premiere in Los Angeles.在洛杉矶的影片首映式上,影星约翰-库萨克和阿曼达-皮特陪同这位德国导演一起踏上红毯。

3.john cusack followed, holding hands with gong p on the red carpet to promote the spy thriller shanghai, in which they were lovers.约翰紧随其后,与巩丽携手红地毯宣传谍战惊悚片上海,在片中,他们扮演一对情侣。

4.Living Films is currently shooting a Hollywood period drama called "Shanghai" starring Chow Yun Fat, Gong Li, Ken Watanabe and John Cusack.目前,生动影业正在拍摄好莱坞电影《上海》,由周润发、巩俐、渡边谦和约翰·库萨克主演。

5.There is an upcoming movie starring John Cusack - "2012" - about a pole shift that results in a global cataclysm.有一个即将举行的约翰库萨克主演的电影-“2012年”-一个极转变,导致全球性灾难。

6.Slotin's story is integrated in the movie, "Fat Man and Little Boy" starring Paul Newman and John Cusack.斯洛廷的故事被结合到了“胖男人和小男孩”电影中,由保罗·纽曼和约翰·库萨克主演。

7.John Cusack has been frank about his movie choices in the past.库萨克过去坦白说过他对电影的选择。

8."2012" ? Is that the movie starring John Cusack?是约翰·库萨克主演的那部吗?

9.Actor John Cusack plays science fiction writer Jackson Curtis, who is estranged from his family.演员约翰库萨克扮演的科幻小说作家柯蒂斯杰克逊,谁是他的家人疏远。