



美式发音: [ˈmʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mʌmbld]




现在分词:mumbpng  过去式:mumbled  第三人称单数:mumbles  同义词反义词






v.1.to speak or utter something quietly and indistinctly without opening the mouth very mucstrong.to chew food with difficulty3.to say something in a way that is not loud or clear enough so that your words are difficult to understand4.say sth.,speak ones words,indistinctly5.bite or chew as with toothless gums1.to speak or utter something quietly and indistinctly without opening the mouth very mucstrong.to chew food with difficulty3.to say something in a way that is not loud or clear enough so that your words are difficult to understand4.say sth.,speak ones words,indistinctly5.bite or chew as with toothless gums

n.1.a quiet indistinct utterance in which the mouth is not opened very much

1.喃喃的 come across (曾经)见过,经过。 mumbled 喃喃的 occasion 时际 机会 ...

2.含糊地说话 ... mood: 心情 mumbled: 含糊地说话 Kansas city: 堪萨斯城 ...


1.I knew from experience that once I got Jessica talking, I would be able to get away with a few mumbled responses at the appropriate moments.经验告诉我一旦我能让杰西卡说话,我就能适时减少一些虚弱无力的回答。

2."waiting for you to. . . " he mumbled out his pfelong hesitations and expectations only when he make sure no one else was within hearing.“等你…”在确信没有别人能听到下,他终于喃喃道出他一辈子的犹豫和期待。

3.She was a very ugly old woman, with red rims round her eyes, and a mouth that mumbled and chattered of itself when she was not speaking.她是一位很丑陋的老太婆,眼睛周围有一道道红圈;当她不说话的时候,她闭着嘴,用牙根咀嚼着,牙齿发出卡嗒卡嗒的响声。

4."I don't need no milk for lunch, " he mumbled. For a moment, just a moment, he smiled. Then he turned and walked back to his desk.“我午餐不需要喝牛奶,”他小声说。在那一瞬间,就那一瞬间,他笑了。然后,他转身回到了自己的座位上。

5.For what it is worth, I thought Mr Sorkin mumbled his way through a poor attempt to defend Mr Madoff in his closing argument.不论有用与否,我认为索金先生在最后陈述中的含糊其辞,他的糟糕努力,都是在为马多夫先生辩护。

6.He mumbled something which I really did not catch, and I turned my ear to him in a puzzled manner.他咕噜了一声,我确实没有听到他在讲什么,便一副茫然的样子把耳朵凑了过去。

7.He mumbled sth. to me but I could not hear what he said.他对我咕哝了几句,可是我没听清他说的什么。

8.He turned me inside out, and was already ushering me wordlessly out of the door when I asked him what he'd found. "It's OK, " he mumbled.那位专家对我进行了彻底检查,我问他发现什么问题没,这时候他正一言不发地引我出门,嘴里嘟囔了一句:“没问题。”

9.Radcpf raised his eyes ceipngward, mumbled "Knox" several times, then shook his head in a baffled manner.拉德克利夫望着天花板,嘴里咕哝着“诺克斯”有好几遍,然后困惑地摇了摇头。

10."Hmm, " Persky said, scratching his head. He rapped again, but still no magic. "Something must be wrong, " he mumbled.“唔。”帕斯基抓着头。他又敲了几次,魔法还是不灵。“肯定是哪儿出毛病了。”他咕哝着说。