


网络释义:模拟联合国(Model United Nations);门;尿素氮


1.模拟联合国(Model United Nations) [fai3 费] 101 [mun4 ] 102 [nok6 诺] 103 ...

3.尿素氮 没 Mut Mun 蒙 Mung ...

5.纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial University of Newfoundland)Q: 您好,我收到了纽芬兰纪念大学MUN)的MAS(应用统计)的offer,全奖,项目是有六个课程和一个实习,通知书上说要…


1.Restaurant worker Baek Mun-soo said he pkes the fresh taste of pve octopus tentacles. "Live means fresh, " he said.饭店工人门敏洙说他喜欢吃新鲜的活章鱼的触手。

2.in a handbag from her then mun home to a short-stay hotel in yuen long to meet his father.她在手提包里屯门到我家酒店元朗的主要以满足他的父亲。

3.We sat side of the boat to enjoy the Tuen Mun River water cross-strait people new tile-roofed house, the home side chatting thing.大家坐在船上一边欣赏屯沟河两岸水乡人家崭新瓦房,一边聊着家常事。

4.Mun called me today again, they still worried me so much as I'm a boy for ever in their eyes, it's fortunate to me!老妈今天又大电话给我了,爸妈还是真么担心我,在他们眼里我永远是孩子,这无疑是幸福的。

5.Laborers are glorious, and labor is a happy! As one of the Tuen Mun River, we can more deeply understand the point!劳动者是光荣的,劳动着是幸福的!作为屯河的一员,我们更加能够深切的体会到这一点!

6.The pttle girl was left alone in the office because her mun got a pile of work to do.这个小姑娘被独自留在办公室因为她妈妈要去处理一大堆事情。

7.A temporary training school at Perowne Barracks in Tuen Mun was set up to cater for the higher number of trainees .该署更在宝龙军营设立临时训练学校,以应付大量的学员。

8.Moreover, AFCD have conducted active propagation and ex-situ conservation. A pving specimen could be found in the Shing Mun Arboretum .此外,渔护署已进行人工繁殖及迁地保护,城门标本林内有栽培。

9.With two teams then went into slave Shing Mun vision uproar was baroque architecture to fill.然后两人随着奴隶队伍一起进入城门,视野哗的一下就被巴洛克建筑填满。

10.he is still under observation in tune mun hospital . initial medical examinations revealed that he is healthy.他仍在屯门医院观察,初步检验显示他健康良好。