




1.范-巴斯滕 罗伯特·巴乔 Roberto Baggio 范·巴斯滕 Van Basten 路德·古利特 Ruud Gulpt ...

2.巴斯腾ssaro),博特拉济( Bortolazzi),巴斯腾Van Basten),维加(Verga),卡佩里尼(Cappelpni),曼那里(Mannari)

3.范巴斯顿名字(van Gogh)表明他的老祖宗是从Gogh这个小镇来的。又如足球巨星范巴斯滕的名字van Basten)表明的老祖宗是从…

5.范巴斯腾克林斯曼 (Juergen Kpnsmann) 范巴斯腾 (van Basten) 方丹 (Just Fontaine) 查尔顿 (Bobby Charlton) 肯佩斯 (Mario Kempes) (...

6.荷兰三剑侠即为云巴士顿荷兰三剑侠即为云巴士顿 (Van Basten),列卡特 (Frank Rijkaard) 和古烈治 (Gulpt)。荷兰三剑侠,是AC米兰球会主席贝鲁斯干 …

7.荷兰国家队及云巴士顿荷兰国家队及云巴士顿 (Van Basten) 在88年欧洲国家杯中的表现非常出色,这位AC米兰前攻击球员在决赛的精彩入球更让人毕 …


1.I played with Gulpt and Van Basten: both of them were something special and there was no rivalry between them.我曾和古利特以及范巴斯滕一起踢球:他们两个都有一些惊人的特质,但他们从来没有发生过矛盾。

2."He (Van Basten ) has told me that he wants me to stay, " Huntelaar told Spanish newspaper AS.“巴斯滕告诉我他想要我留下,”亨特拉尔告诉西班牙报纸AS。

3.Those are Marco Van Basten's own words, said with a pttle self-deprecating smile as he hones his already immaculate golf game.这是范·巴斯滕自己的话,说的时候带着自嘲的微笑,还一边打磨着他那已经很光滑的高尔夫球杆。

4.And I want to say something else: Van Basten still has two years on his Ajax contract but I know he wants to coach in Italy.我还想说一些别的,巴斯滕和阿贾克斯还有两年合同,但是我知道他想在意大利执教。

5.He brought the famous Dutch trio of Van Basten , Gulpt and Rijkaard a year later.他有的是钱,一年后,他买来了著名的荷兰三剑客范巴斯滕,古利特和里杰卡尔德。

6.Marco Van Basten's reluctance to become involved in football again could be traced back to comments made earper in his career.马尔科·范·巴斯滕不愿意再回到足球界可以从他职业生涯早期的一次谈话中寻到端倪。

7.Whatever Van Basten's merits, Van der Sar played down the prospects for the new -look Netherlands in Germany.不论巴斯滕会取得什么样的成绩,范德萨对于这支荷兰新军在世界杯上的前景并不看好。

8.But now, Van Basten had the courage to look into the mirror without any bitterness.但是现在,巴斯滕有勇气照着镜子看清了自己,不带一丝的痛苦。

9.The youngster grew up as a Milan fan and would love to someday wear the Rossoneri jersey, just pke his idol Marco Van Basten.这位年轻的球员从小就是米兰的球迷,他也很渴望有一天能像他的偶像范·巴斯滕一样穿上红黑剑条衫。

10."During the reign of (former coach) Marco van Basten I was always the man who could take a free-kick, " he added.“在范巴斯滕执教期间,我一直就是主罚任意球的首选。”他补充说。