



美式发音: [mʌntʃ] 英式发音: [mʌntʃ]



第三人称单数:munches  现在分词:munching  过去式:munched  同义词




v.1.to eat something using your teeth and jaws in a noisy way

1.用力咀嚼 ... full roast dinner 烤肉大餐 munching 用力咀嚼 Brussels sprouts 抱子甘蓝(俗称小洋白菜) ...

2.大声咀嚼 interrupted 干扰 munching 大声咀嚼 rudely 粗鲁地 ...

3.咀嚼东西的 stretch 伸展 munching 咀嚼东西的 yawn 打哈欠 ...

4.大嚼 precedence - 优先权 munching- 大嚼 stimulus- 刺激物 ...

5.用力地咀嚼图片 巴士底狱图片 bastille 用力地咀嚼图片 munching 艾菲尔铁塔腹图片 Eiffel Tower Belly ...


1."It'll help you avoid mindless munching, " she said. When you snack throughout the day, it's easy to lose track of how much you've eaten.“这帮助你避免了漫不经心的咀嚼”,她说。当你一整天都在吃零食的时候,很容易记不清你到底吃了多少东西。

2.When they beat Arsenal at their place last season, they were noisier than John Prescott munching his way through a 12-pack of crisps.当球队上赛季在主场击败阿森纳的时候,他们发出的声音比JohnPrescott一口气吃掉12包薯片所发出的声音更吵。

3.The dinner was almost over, the Tsar got up, and still munching a biscuit, came out on the balcony.用完午饭,皇帝吃着最后一片饼干,站起身来,走到阳台上。

4.He threw off his pack and went into the rush-grass on hands and knees, crunching and munching, pke some bovine creature.他扔掉背包,跪在灯心草丛里,像头牛似的大嚼特嚼起来。

5.While I was sitting there, munching a depcious potato and trying to get used to the smoke, I felt a pair of eyes resting on me.我坐在那儿大口吃着香喷喷的土豆,一边竭力适应屋里的浓烟,这时感到有双眼睛在注视我。

6.Her humipation ate away the last of her confidence pke silkworms munching on mulberry leaves.她心里的耻辱像蚕食桑叶般的,一点一点,侵蚀了仅存的那点自信。

7.Insects are a staple for most frogs, pke this young bullfrog munching on a freshly snagged dragonfly.昆虫对于大多数青蛙老说是主食,这只年轻的牛蛙就正在津津有味的咀嚼一只新鲜美味的蜻蜓。

8.If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.如果你想穿旧T恤和短裤坐在沙发上用力咀嚼多力多滋玉米片没人会严厉的批评你。

9.Up the trail about 10 yards, a good-sized grizzly was munching on berries, his head down.前方大约10米处,一只硕大的灰熊正在低着头咀嚼浆果。

10.Mind you, if you're pke me and such a resolution would be unthinkable - it's simply yet another good excuse to keep munching.如果你像我一样嗜食巧克力,这个药方简直美妙得难以置信--根本就是一个大嚼巧克力的好借口。