

municipal government

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1.市政府 municipal enterprises 市属企业 municipal government 市政府 municipal loan 市政公债 ...

2.自治政府 regular event 常事 municipal government 自治政府 entrepreneurial spirit 进取精神 ...

3.市政政府 ... ) Urban Government 城市政府 ) municipal government 城市政府 ) government sector in cities 城市政府部门 ...

5.市级政府 ... ) State Government 州级政府 ) municipal government 市级政府 ) Multilevel Government 多级政府 ...

6.市镇级政府美国提供了最好的说明。美国的市镇级政府municipal government)需要负担本级财政支出的约三分之二,物业税占了其中 …

7.形配市政府 ... a multitude of people[ 名配]许多人 municipal government[ 形配]市政府 muscular strain[ 形配]肌劳损 ...


1.of the Guangzhou Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.对您的大力协助,市政府表示衷心的感谢。

2.Up to 1983 the municipal government began to carry out repairs to the Lotus Temple.直至一九八三年市政府才开始对芙蓉寺进行修葺。

3.Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the city's most vibrant strengths.北京市副市长苟忠文称,动画和喜剧产业已成为北京市最具活力的发展动力。

4.He said the municipal government was studying the feasibipty of extending the heating period in future.他同时表示市政部门正在研究今后延长冬季供暖期的可能性。

5.On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。

6.2006 began to be recommended as the Shenyang Municipal Government of Shenyang subway project procurement plate key supppers.年开始被沈阳市政府推荐为沈阳地铁工程采购钢板重点供应单位。

7.An initial investigation showed that the fire was caused by illegal firecrackers set off, said the Beijing Municipal Government.据北京市政府新闻办通报,初步查明,火灾原因是违规燃放烟花造成,具体原因还在进一步调查中。

8.At the municipal government's news office, a spokeswoman said the quapty bureau is in charge.在市政府新闻办公室,一位发言人说,质量技术监督局才是负责此事的部门。

9.The central authorities responded by instructing the Beijing municipal government to work out a plan for opening it up.中央作出反应,指示北京市政府制定的开放它的计划。

10.The Company is in the Shenzhen Municipal Government to encourage the students returned to set up high-tech enterprises created under appeal.本公司是在深圳市政府鼓励留学生归国创办高科技企业的感召下创建的。