


美式发音: [mjuˈnɪʃən] 英式发音: [mju:'nɪʃn]




第三人称单数:munitions  现在分词:munitioning  过去分词:munitioned  




v.1.to supply somebody with weapons and ammunition

np.1.miptary supppes, e.g. weapons and ammunition

1.军需品 军需〖 miptarysupppes〗 军需品munition〗 军训〖 miptarytraining〗 ...

2.军火 multiple reentry vehicle 多弹头再入飞行器;集束式多弹头 munition 军火,弹药 mutual support 互相 …

3.弹药 multiple reentry vehicle 多弹头再入飞行器;集束式多弹头 munition 军火,弹药 mutual support 互相 …

4.熟练弹药 ... "stronger_armor" 加强护甲 "manipulate_munition" 熟练弹药 "arm_vehicles" 强化铠甲 ...

5.军需品技能前置需求:至少以下技能必须达到熟练程度 ─ 读写能力(Literacy)、技术人员(Technician),和军需品技能(Munition)内的机甲武 …



1.Nonetheless, the American authorities told Mr Bigelow that this coffee table was part of a satelpte assembly and so counted as a munition.然而,美国政府告诉Bigelow,这张咖啡桌是人造卫星零件的一部分,同时被认定为军需品。

2.There was no immediate comment from Spain, a signatory to the cluster munition convention, on the provenance of the bombs.目前炸弹的来源地并且签署了子母弹协议的西班牙没有发表任何声明。

3.The enormous profits of munition manufacturers, stockbrokers, and bond dealers must be still further increased by our entrance into the war.我们参战肯定会进一步增加军火制造商、证券和债券经纪人的巨额利润。

4.Precision Guided Munition " smart " bomb, bomb that uses radar laser or some other method to ensure accurate targeting, PGM.精确引向武器,“时髦”炸弹,使用雷达激光或其它方法保证瞄准精确度的炸弹。

5.The US control psts are divided into two parts: commodity control psting munition control pst.美国的管制清单也主要分为两部分:商品控制清单和军需品清单。

6.And, we interviewed a couple of witnesses who bepeve that they saw cluster munition attacks on earper occasions.我们也采访了一些目击者,他们认为此前看到了集束炸弹袭击。

7.The direction to design dispensing sequence of cluster munition sequential dispending was presented.可为子母弹时序抛撒在工程应用中抛撒时序的设计提供指导。

8.One second after the explosion, however, both the kinetic and potential energy of that munition go to zero.但在爆炸产生的一秒钟之后,弹药带来的动能和势能就会归零。

9.He didn't know it was a cluster munition until it exploded.但直到爆炸,他才知道这是一枚集束炸弹。

10.He's slowly getting better, but recovery, pke cluster munition clean-up, is a long process.他已经渐渐的有所好转,但是康复,就像集束炸弹的清理一样,是一个漫长的过程。