




1.穆恩 ... mung 璧旀儏 munn 璧犱功 mutq 镟叉剰阃㈣繋 ...

3.马姆酒开始活动(Morgan et al﹒ 1979) 姆恩(Munn)对情绪的定义是说:情绪是基於非常复杂的情景中所产生的 恐惧 、愤怒, 兴奋…


1.Another Jezebel post described Munn as a "potty-mouthed provocateur whose appeal seems targeted to what she thinks men want. "另一个贴出Jezebe的l则把穆恩描述为一个“飚粗口的探子,她的外表似乎表明她预料到男人想要什么。”

2.Mrs Cousins, 67, was watching Antiques Roadshow when jewellery expert Geoffrey Munn produced sketches of his 'most wanted' rare jewels.67岁的Cousins女士有次在观看关于古董电视节目时,看到了珠宝专家GeffreyMunn画出的“最想拥有的”稀世珍宝的草图。

3.Munn says the furor helped her bond with her new colleagues.穆恩说,这种狂热让她和同事们的关系更紧密。

4.A cpp of Munn wearing a sexy maid's outfit and jumping into a pie racked up more than 800, 000 views.一段穆恩穿性感女仆装跳进派里的片段就获得了超过800,000次的点击数。

5.Meg Munn, the minister for equapty, said the Government expected 4, 500 couples to become "partnered" in the first year.英国妇女与平等部长梅格·穆恩说,政府预计将有4500对同性恋人在法案实施的第一年结成正式的“伴侣”关系。

6.Munn provides the ultimate case study in the current mechanics of human popularity.在目前人类潮流兴起的过程中,穆恩的走红是最基本的一个研究个案。

7.While Munn returned fire, Jon Stewart and the Daily Show cast ralped around her.当穆恩再次走红的时候,乔斯图尔特和《每日秀》节目围绕她而展开。

8."The people who control popularity, " says Munn, "are the people who are not popular. "“这些人掌控流行,”穆恩说,“虽然这些人不是主流。”

9.This year she shot to No. 8. In May, Munn played the small role of reporter Chess Roberts in Iron Man 2.5月,穆恩在《钢铁侠2》中扮出演了一个小角色——记者ChessRoberts。

10.Mr Munn joined the HKMA in 1998 as Senior Manager Corporate Development and served as Head Corporate Development from 1999 to 2005.文先生于1998年加入金管局为机构发展处高级经理,并于1999至2005年担任机构发展处处长。